Free Flight and Allied Races Unlocked in 10.1.5!

Time to unlock all Allied races

I’m looking forward to this honestly, I have all but Zandalari trolls unlocked on Horde side but Dark Iron are the only allied race I have on Alliance. Just the other day I was thinking about going back and unlocking the rest but I saw this the other day and now I’ll just wait for the patch.

any ballpark idea when this will all go live?

Entirety of DF has been phenomenal

except the forbidden reach, caverns, bland disney storyline, lack of proper optional cosmetic endgame similar to challenge mode or mage tower (shadowlands didn’t have anything like this either sadly), or fleshed out solo content for max levels… yeah its been alright

Excellent s1 catch-up.

They are mid ngl

Finally a decent down to Azeroth story. After the last 3 expacs this is great.

Literally coming next patch. Torghast was vastly hated

I feel like a lot of retail Randy’s are just burnt out. I spent 10 years hating retail and DF is the best expac since TBC imo

I have many over level 40 characters and when I go to the embassy…it tells me I still have to earn achievements in order to get the unlock quests. What do i need to do?

10.1.5 isnt out yet buddy.

This is happening in 10.1.5. We are in 10.1.0

My guess is July

thank you!!!

No that stuff will come out free too. Blizzard is starting to give everything to everyone for free now just to keep people playing.