Free Cov swap on patch day?

Even if they gave it, we’d lose a LOT.

38 levels of Renown. All our Anima. The ability to wear any current Covenant gear we haven’t replaced. Frankly, if you’re willing to throw away that much work for a 0.475% change in power … you’ve got more time to waste than I’m willing to dump.

Because you know what, they’re going to nerf / buff again. This is just the first big set of buffs & nerfs. It won’t be the last.


Yeah one day they will learn that they will never benefit from the 2% difference in dps from their covenant choice. But it is funny to watch them chase it though.


I mean, I have a few toons I wish I’d gone with other Covenants. But, I’ll just roll with the blows. Besides, if you look at wowhead, a lot of people went against the grain on what was seen at launch as the “best” covenant for your spec.

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I was about to post something similar to this. Retrospect has me thinking I should have done something different. Rationality tells me I will probably okay as it is.

scratches head. scratches head again.

What changed that is causing you to want to swap? From which one to which one?

Not a remote possibility. The campaigns center around you being a member of their associated Covenant, they give Covenant-specific rewards, there would be conflicts with the campaigns that share chapters (Kyrian and Necrolords, Necrolords and Venthyr), there is no way they can make these stories Covenant-agnostic.

That sounds needlessly cumbersome compared to just having everything accessible through a menu. Even Azerite Essences and Conduits let you change between them when you aren’t in combat.

:mega: #PullTheRipcord


Its the time sink. Guys how does it effect the game in any negative way?. Yes we tested the abilities no I didn’t swap when one was performing better than the other. Its the time you have to invest in this game.

That’s why Blizz cant hold onto subs. Nobody supporting a family with a full time job only getting to play 1-2 days out the week has got time for this. Only people that actually like doing repetitive things with nothing better to do is okay with this.

I’m not talking trash to people that do have the time to play the game. I wish I had the time to play like you all do.

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Then don’t throw it away? They aren’t nerfing what you have now.

If you have some compulsive need to follow the FOMO then that’s 100% your own fault.

Im just bored and would like to test the other covenants out… without starting at 0. I have already invested so much time into the one I currently have. I am just not willing to repeat the process.

Why would I swap though? I made my meaningful choices!

Pick a direction and go in it.

it IS free already

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Meaningful choice could work if you didn’t nerf or buff them a week after you chose witch one to go lol. How can you make a meaningful choice when they literally change your choice??


Because they didn’t change my choice. I don’t care about tryhard BiS FotM meta 2% better nonsense. I pick what I want, for each character, based on different criteria each time.

Its not about the 2% better crap. Tbh its alot more than 2% for some. Its about the integrity of your “meaningful choice.”

That’s great you didn’t get hit with the nerf hammer. When it happens you will feel like you want to try something new. But Guess what you have weeks worth of content to work through to do it.

Also the change is not really a big deal to the PVE community. You guys like doing the same thing over and over again. I PVP not to bragging right status. But thats what I enjoy about the game.

Swapping around late game would be A great way to feel what covenant is right for you.

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I don’t care. I’m not swapping for any reason.

Absolutely 100% right. Glad we agree!

We enjoy different aspects of the game its not a big deal to you because you like pve content. I do not at all. In this aspect pve is the most unrewarding its ever been lol.

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the if your not 1percent it doesnt matter argument always bug me

it encourage laziness from player base and the devs to not fix anything

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Sure. I actually do sympathize with anyone that does care about that stuff. I get the frustration (on paper, at least). Just throwing my own opinions out there, you know. Forums gonna forum.