Free Character Transfers Now Available -- Season of Mastery

To all the low level alliance I’ll be taking my rage out on on Jom.


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so all the post about people wanting to go not to jom or wanna get off jom just fake i guess right?

but now you can play 24/7 on jom and maybe get rank 14

terrible choice blizz. downvoted.

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It was not the majority. Maybe a vocal minority.
I guarantee a ton of people will or already have transferred off Barman. I was on there for a month and left in December to reroll. I saw the writing on the wall with ranking, auction house and think there was only 1 guild who went into mc by Dec. I wish you well man, the guild might need to merge down the road to keep raiding if you like the low pop scene.

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thank you Horde needs more players in Jom!

There not fake but why do it at the last possible moment? Blizzard said they were going to bring transfers like a month ago. But now yall want to start posting about not wanting to go when there have been countless post asking blizzard for transfers before they even announced transfers. Why didn’t you all voice your concerns then?

Also, I don’t get the problem. If you’re all such a tight knit community, transfers shouldn’t change much for you. Y’all just don’t want us who are stuck to leave. Take the L, go cry in a corner, and stay on your server if you want. No one is forcing a gun to your head to transfer off your server.

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First… Jom is not the MeGaSeRvEr that you think it is. Ironforge Pro will show that very clearly.

Second, any chance for faction swap for these characters?

I abandoned Mutanus with a 56 Horde and I’ve now been playing Ally on Jom since mid Dec. Would be nice to get that work back.

THANKS! looking forward to having people to play with again!

Why on earth would you want to rank on a server with no players?

0/5 rating for bliz on this one.

Im rank 13 (99%) on one of the servers they killed on purpose. Looks like il be canceling my sub

Jom rankers get it easy once again.

He wants easier ranking but doesnt want to pay to pool.

I guess i have to go pool 160 alts by myself.

Yeah, someone on NF alliance paid and pooled 1000+ for their own and guildies rank 14 last week.

Yo a clown. Every pvp ranker not on jom got screwed.

I guess you don’t want to pay. All g. Maybe you’ll get rank 14 next season.

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My guess is all of them as long as they aren’t restricted in any of the ways mentioned.

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I’m in a kind of similar scenario, I don’t have a horde toon on Jom Gabbar but I just have friends on Shadowstrike I would really love to play with. I’m really hoping there’s some way that exceptions can be made

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Is there any possibility of going from PvE to PvP servers?

Oce servers are in dire straights; I’m on < Lionheart> and I want to go to < Swamp of Sorrows> but it’s not even an option.

Lionheart is dead, but if we transfer to SoS, we can help their server out a bit.



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