Free Character Transfers Now Available For Some Realms

Same. Cleared mail/auctions and still get the error.
I searched around a found a Blizz article saying caged pets and heirlooms cause this error as well. Cleared my inventory and bank of caged pets and heirlooms and still have the error :frowning:


Bumping for a response to this…

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There are “high population” realms that aren’t inaccessible half the time like Area 52 and Illidan currently are


26 minutes now after an hour plus. No complaints, looking forward to playing my toon.

Thank god. Let’s get rid of the a52 queue.

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Do some players actually expect free transfers to another full realm?

What’s the point of transferring then?


I am trying to transfer to a low pop realm.


for some reason its not letting my main transfer cuz it says i have active auctions but i dont, i made sure like 1000 times. cancelled all the outsanding ones and no mail.


Sooo we cant pick high pop servers to go too?? I get why but waiting 2 weeks for area 52 to get back to normal has a much higher value to me then going to a med or low pop server… May just take the free transfer and pay to come back in 2-3 weeks.

Why do they not just make Cross realm guilds >< would solve a lot of server issues…

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16 minutes left =)

My transfer said one of my characters was successfully xfered, so I clicked the popup. It sent me to my new realm. (I am glad that part is working)

The problem is I now have 20 other characters to get off of Area 52 and now am stuck in queue after checking to see if things were working. This feels pretty bad, could Blizzard possibly make it so we can access server xfers off of High pop realms from any Shop page?


Seems like Blizzard is really trying to accommodate players with login queues. Letting them pick their own Low or Medium pop server to transfer to makes it less of a sucker deal, at least up to a few months into the game. That deserves a gj.


Definitely considering switching from Area 52 once I can get logged in. Any suggestions of another East Coast NA server to hop to as a Horde player?

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I logged out to check it out and got disconnected for less than one minute now I’m in a two hour queue. Pretty dumb

Just wait until there isn’t a queue during a non peak time and get to work transferring them. Basically the only way you can hope to get them all off before Blizzard revokes free transfers.

Which server did you transfer to? Did you have a dropdown for servers or just a free-form box ?

Wyrmrest Accord, there is a box you can type in and servers will pop up. Like I typed “wyr” and it auto filled for this server.

Suggest you narrow the list of realms based on Low/Med pop and time zone. Then make a starter toon on the realm to see what kind of or how much activity there is in Orgrimmar, maybe see what chat is like, etc.

Turalyon is a great server. Medium pop, not connected, EST.

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should list the realms
Dalaran is one