Free Character Transfers Now Available For Some Realms

Don’t know, I am still in que. I haven’t seen any choices yet.

First one worked great, thanks for offering this! <3


I don’t really feel like sitting through an 84 minute queue to access my characters on Area 52, whether that’s to play them or to move them to somewhere else. I understand wanting to use the in-game shop for this, but it feels backwards to sit on your hands for an hour and a half and then potentially have to wait for the transfers to go through as well (which can happen anywhere from instantly to several hours later, or longer).

I hope some folks find a use for this, and hopefully those folks can log in at like 3-6am when there’s no actual queue to get into A52 and SR and the like, but if I have to wait to get in anyway, I might as well keep the benefits of being on a high-pop server.

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I know that, its the problem of trying to get in to clear this magical mail that i have lmao but i figured it would of been like that

I wanted to go to Thrall but apparently I can’t :frowning:

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Anyone got a list of transfer destinations handy? Sitting in queue waiting to access the transfer.


Anybody have a list of Destination Realms we can move to? It’s just a free-form box for me, I don’t have the other realms memorized…
A dropdown would be nice, Blizz.


So the players have to suffer by going to low pop realms because you guys refuse to upgrade your servers.


If a list of realms appear , lets choose the same realm and start a guild " We are the Que"


Thank you for the feature but kinda pointless if I still have to wait in a 200 min queue then wait in the transfer queue for god knows how long. Lets hope by Monday things will have settled down.


Because I’d love a free transfer to a dead server!


That’s only fair. I personally had not issues whatsoever to play but I saw people not being able to play for days.

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If enough players transfer to those “dead” realms they might become more lively which may have the knock on effect of Blizz not having to revisit the server connection thing for a bit longer.


I’m stuck with the same issue. no clue how to fix it.


bliz: you can move now!

players: WHO can move now?


there are shades in between “the biggest server in the region” and “dead”


At this moment, I went from 37 to 45 minutes wait time. I really want to play my druid.

Then by all means don’t take the transfer. It’s clearly not for you.


Fair enough. I’ve just never seen a free transfer take me from anyplace I am to anyplace I’d actually want to go.

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They will find something else to complain about.