Free Character Transfers -- March 3

Free transfer to all realms !? are you kidding me that will destroy this little bit of leftover balance here or there. We saw that once in BC and that’s how we ended up with a cancer realm like Benediction.

The only solution remaining at this point after all of these wrong decisions Blizzard made about server population is to force transfer or Do nothing. Force transfer is really a horrible thing, but I don’t really see any other option…

In case of Benediction and Faerlina:
1- Open free transfer from Bene to Faerlina only for alliance with cap of half of Faerlina horde population for 1 month
2- Open free trasnfer from Faerlina to Bene only for horde with cap of half of Benediction alliance population for 1 month
3- After 1 month force alliance transfer from Bene to Faerlina up to a 50/50 ish population on Faerlina
4- After 1 month force horde transfer to Benediction up to 50/50 pop on Benediction

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Blizzard isn’t doing this to balance the factions though Nimbell. They have even said fairly recently they don’t really care about that.

They are doing it to increase their sales of the faction change service… and that’s it.

This is basically a thinly veiled advertisement to “get a free transfer if you buy a faction change”. It is also honestly one of the most “shameless” blue-topic threads and moves I’ve seen so far.

I know you are replying to the person you did. This is in response to both of your posts.


Grobbulus, Whitemane, Mankirk.

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race change???


Please let me pay for a transfer to bene from another server ffs


OPEN UP GROBB!!! WHAT THE HELL!!! Come on ffs.

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Don’t buy it then you crybaby.

Thank you! GOODBYE BENNY, Hello Faerlina! FTH

Open free transfers to get out of sulfuras (alliance) it’s a dead server, take charge of what you did by offering transfers to get out of bene!!!


The only thing they want is for people to pay to leave, everything is $$$$$$$


Yeah Yeah so the last remaining balanced NA PVP server gets destroyed too…

I would like to transfer my main alt to the server my main is on please.


Blizzard, seriously, are you okay?

  • nobody asked for this, bene horde are going to transfer to faerlina, and faerlina alliance are going to transfer to bene.
  • why is grobb still locked for transfers, when people can create fresh characters on the server. this has skyrocketed the number of bots, and left alts to die on other servers.

Let me give you money to move my other characters to the server i’m currently playing on.


Let me get this straight… We are able to freely transfer between the 2 biggest servers… but transferring alts in to those big servers is a no-no? gotcha… makes total sense… or should I say… cents


What is this even accomplishing?

Nobody wants to transfer to a dead faction on a realm with 20k players on the other faction…


When will I be able to transfer characters from other servers to Faerlina when I already have 4x level 80s on Faerlina? I know plenty of people in my situation (on Benediction too) that mainly play on Faerlina/Benediction and have lv 70+ chars from tbc that they didn’t transfer and have been unable to for the entirety of this xpac, but they would like to level and play them.


imagine getting bashed by your player base on a post and not replying what so ever? oh thats normal for blizzard lol


This will accomplish 2 50/50-ish realms after a month?

Not sure if you got the idea… read all the 4 steps again please.

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Sure it’s popping…for horde. Alliance numbers are shrinking everyday and finding groups/people on is getting to be impossible.

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nice stuff right here