Free Character Transfers for Burning Crusade Classic Realms

If its on the list, and its not Whitemane, or Benediction, or whatever, its dead.

I’d be scarred of even being on Grob at this point.

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Why is Netherwind a server you can transfer from AND a destination server? do you guys have any idea what you are doing???


You are free!

Where did you go?

the realms in the new list are heavy horde. IF most go Grob, it would be a pretty balanced server with 8000+ horde


Did they state how long the free transfer will be available?

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You guys really need to look at PVE realms and open them up for transfers as well. Several PVE servers are dying and we are to the point where there are legitimately only a couple remaining healthy servers left. With how few people are even playing PVE, they really need to be heavily consolidated.

Good, I was starting to get worried. Fingers crossed we get back to a 50-50 balance.


Fairbanks is a Source and also a Destination realm? What kind of dumb stuff is this? How about a real solution and just merge the servers in groups or by type. Actually while your at it just do away with the PVP/PVE transfer restrictions, they’re all practically PVE servers nowadays.


Why would you not give these servers the option to transfer to Faerlina/Benediction like you did it the first time Blizzard? It makes no sense.

This list has only ONE real destination for Horde (Sulfuras) that makes sense when it comes to timezone/ping (for US East) and overrall population. Alliance got it even worse, as there are quite literally zero options that make sense when it comes to timezone/ping and overrall population, as the only decent options are either US West (Grob) or Oceanic (Arugal and Yojamba).

Seriously, people want to play on Benediction and Faerlina, why not just do what you did months ago and offer the same Free Transfers with the same destinations, but with extra realms this time. This list is an actual joke and a slap in the face.


Any idea as to how long these will be available?

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There’s lots of East coasters on Grobb. Several of the top guilds have East and West teams. It’s pretty much been established that Grobb is gonna be the transfer destination for horde at this point.


would be hilarious if it turns out more alliance went than horde. then that server can collapse and then blizzard’s failure will be complete :space_invader:

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I mean i don’t see that happening but if it did that’s on the players

I’m an East Coaster and do just fine on Grobbulus.


Lmao, are these even the realms people wanted to go to?
Kek! It’s transfer off your dead server to another dead server.
Was to good to be true, if you wanna go to a good server you’re gonna have to pay.


I’m sure many long time customers were lost over the last 6 months in this realm transfer stupidity. This is absolutely the worst mistake I’ve ever seen from Blizzard. I’m still surprised I broke my principles and paid them after I said I wouldn’t. The last GD time.

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Roughly how long will these transfers be available?
My choices for transfer are pretty limited… Either transfer to 4 100% horde servers (I’m Alli), or transfer to oceanic servers… Just my luck, my horde server (I play ally on Bigglesworth and horde on Grobbulus) is the only viable US server available to me… So can’t transfer there… Biggles is basically dead to alliance. My choices are Arugal or Yojamba. But again… Opposite time zones to my own. Don’t get me wrong. I will take the transfer. Better wrong time zone than no people at all.

Just wondering how much time I’ll have to make the decision, or see how the server pops play out with everyeone transferring. I know most of Bigglesworth has gone to Bennediction and the rest are now all going to Grobbulus

I agree with other people though. Server mergers, or linked servers is the way to go. I remember when linked servers first started and that was a game changer.

Grob is a good option

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For horde maybe…

Does Anyone know the gold cap and the transfer lock period after the free transfer?

I read the free transfer limit web page and do not find any info about the 90 day cooldown like a paid service.

I wonder if the gold cap of 5000 does apply