Free Character Transfers for Burning Crusade Classic Realms

Sure is nice of them to open up free transfers from my original server of Herod to… all the other servers but the one I play on? Like what the ****.

“Oh there’s free transfers!.. except everywhere but the mega servers your actual chars are on, because you know… we still need that transfer money.” Thanks for nothing Blizzard.

(Not directed at you Kaivax, appreciate you keeping us updated)


Please open Horde transfers off of Benediction. The horde population is almost nonexistent. People want to return to play but cannot with a dead server population.


This is why Blizzard failed.

You think people want to move to dead server from active server.

You want people to pay for transfert to active server.

You should let those dead server died, and offer transfer from those dead server to active one instead.

Some people quit this game when it’s boring, and it’s boring when the world is empty and you have nothing to do.


Haha, we all went to Grobb. It was actually really said leaving Fbanks. We capped halaa and took a screenshot to finish it off.

I think Grobb is going to be awesome. Blizzard is going all in on it as the PvP server. The servers that got free xfers have a boat load of horde and most will come grob instead of sulfuras to balance it out. Should be fun.


Our guild hasn’t made an official decision yet, but grobb seems like our most likely destination. Grobb might end up 55/45 when it’s all said and done. Should be a lot of fun.


Im playing on fairbanks and theres still lots of guilds and GDKPS going here only thing thats hard to do here is dungeons. but at this point in TBC shouldn’t need to do dungeons

I agree Fairbanks does have a decent raid/gdkp scene but for altoholics, like me, the active population is a big bummer.
My comments are more pointed toward Blizzards general mishandling of server populations and their stubbornness to adapt to this.


Oh just hanging out with the other two alliance on Faerlina. Living the dream. Full server though, so it’s all good.


we really need free transfers off megaservers for the minority factions. Have them transfer to grobb or sulfuras or even the opposite faction leading mega-server. I would also suggest giving free transfers in general off mega-servers. That way those who are tired of one faction dominance or them not liking the feel of megaserver can go to other servers and help battle faction imbalance, or just leave because there are too many people.

I don’t really feel like transfer services for the above is a luxury item. Its kind of a necessity at this point to make the game playable for those in that situation.

It really sucks seeing nothing done about this when its been a problem even before the 1st set of free transfers in November. it would be nice to have a blue post comment on the above (especially for horde on bene or alliance on whitemane). Just knowing y’all are aware and care about the issue would be super helpful for a lot of people.


Of course Myzrael isnt on the list

How many FCM do you get I have a few toons stuck on Dead servers and would like to transfer them out

As many characters as you have that fall within the rules of transfer (mainly no mail, no arena teams, etc).

you can do as many as you want in theory.

This is dumb. No one is going to transfer to Sulfuras. Let those poor bastards gtfo. Especially the ally left stranded there … there’s no AH, no dungeon groups, nothing.


For the love of Grobb and actual pvp, if you’re horde and got to transfer. Go Grobbulus.


based and gtfopilled

While it’s definitely a player made situation, it’s a shame that blizzard has remained hands off enough to leave people like me either forced to pay their ransom, or just be the only alliance on my server. It’s messed up and needs serious intervention.

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can you transfer more than 1 char? Also what is the situation like for horde on grobb? worth transferring there?

You can transfer 10 characters, there is no gold cap, and it doesn’t put you on the 90 day transfer cooldown.

Grobb horde is very active and is getting a huge stimulus of horde.


Nice. Glad to see this change.

I don’t understand the decision to allow transfers to/from Fairbanks without faction restrictions.

Alliance is dead, I haven’t seen an Alliance character in weeks. Now Horde Guilds are transferring off annnnddddd it’s gone… GDKP is cancelled and moved to Grobbulus,

Fairbanks is dead. Fairbanks is a dead server. Thanks I hate it.