Free Character Transfers – Wrath of the Lich King Classic

Well now I decided to try Cata transfer are over and Im stuck on a dead server with 30 more ppl!!!GJ blizz

Your characters will be forcefully transferred … somewhere … soon :tm:

So did I miss the free transfers? Was watching videos and haven’t played since Classic Vanilla. Bought a couple months and logged in and see Westfall US East PvE is dead as can be. Can I still transfer to Pagle for free? Really just want my 60 hunter main :confused:

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Go to the character services menu and see if under transfer the free option is still there. Otherwise Blizz implied that at some point they will move your character. Good luck!

I haven’t played ESO and Guild Wars 2 in a long time, but don’t those 2 games utilize just 1 server for all players? Why can’t we have that technology in Wow, given that such tech has existed in the MMO world for quite a while now?

How about NO.

Too bad it’s not happening. At this time at least.

Because PvE and PvP do not go well together.
Because RPers need their own servers.
Because the world is built for a limited amount of players - ressources, mobs ect.
Because server communities are still a thing.
Because some like it big and some like it small

What could be done is linking AHs and RDF. And to a certain degree clustering realms.

I love how these closures were going to happen at Cata launch and now Ive moved all my characters and lost all my names for nothing because Westfall is still a thing.

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seriously why is westfall still up? im like wtf whyd you break up all those guilds and make us xfer if the thing was still going to be up a month later lol.


They’ll get around to closing the realms eventually, but with SoD’s population lower than WotLK 31 weeks into ICC, consolidating Cata realms is probably at the bottom of their list at the moment.

Could be worse, they opened PvP to PvE transfers in SoD for like 1 hour at 2am on a Thursday. Then they said

Aaaand they never came back with an update. Ended up breaking a bunch of guilds where half the people transferred, and the other half were stuck, with no option but to quit or reroll.

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