Free Character Moves for Chaos Bolt-US

What about Living Flame? Can we get the option to move also? Our population is less than Chaos Bolt…

I love how these guys just plug their ears and pretend not to hear any of it.

Should all be fired.


Lol good eye

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YOOOOOOOOOO did I lose all my honor for the week for transferring from CB to CS???

And your raid lockout reset.


One can hope, really

Give up hope on any other PVP servers being an option - they don’t want there to be additional servers besides CS with people who can be both factions.

I agree. You have came to the conclusion of many others, as the “Why?” is rhetorical. The question is asked to make people think.

We all know why people don’t play Tank or Healing specs. There’s little reason to play them when you can clear content faster as a DPS, cause fast = fun, but that’s solo content. The moment you need a group, people come calling for Tank and Healers knowing that they themselves wouldn’t play those in the first place, otherwise there wouldn’t be a shortage.

This problem is not happening on only Chaos Bolt. Though it is a game problem that Chaos Bolt is being punished for.

horrible, honestly whoever this Tim guy is needs to be fired or moved to a different position where he’s not in charge of an accumulated tens of thousands of hours of peoples time that he’s just f*n toying with at this point. It’s gross how little he respects us tbh.

It’s too late now to open xfers from CS to CB, the dmg is done. So the only logical recourse now is to allow free xfers to ANY server, not just RP servers. There is nothing else that makes sense. Just let us choose where we want to go and be done with it.

You’re a fool if you don’t understand why it’s a serious matter. It’s peoples characters they’ve spent countless hours on, and it’s being spit on and mismanaged with no apology or any kind of recourse whatsoever. He’s making one bad decision after another.

All he has to do is let us xfer wherever we want and be done with it. That’s it.

The fact that he locked CB To avoid “Exploits” but went ahead and let people who were already on CB do that “exploit” is insane to me.


It’s not going to happen - they were willing to execute a server to prevent anyone already on CS from getting cross-faction. Doubt they’ll open cross-faction possibility to any other PvP server.

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Why does it matter at this point? They clearly showed they don’t care about the pvp ruleset with cs. How does doing it for another server ruin it?

I mean they thought it was a big enough deal they murdered a whole server to stop it from getting out of hand.

Thanks for quoting that. I read that the same way as you did.

A friend pointed me to this thread as it reads just like a piece of TBCC history and they know how much I hated the server mess there. So I’ve just been putting likes on things but figured I’d comment on this because this is on point with my frustrations with Blizzard over the last few years. As in, them catering to the instant gratification “I want it now” audience, aka those who put a heavy emphasis on finding fast groups and truly care about nothing else, over the old-school MMO audience that the Classic games should really be for.

The server drama at the start of SoD was a big part of why I didn’t play SoD after the first 5 days. I had a horde and ally on every server and could have played wherever but decided to peace out instead due to the impending server issues such as this that I saw coming. So no regrets there on not playing, that was the right call.

Anyway, I also wanted to say that I feel bad for those who enjoyed playing on CB and now have to watch the server fall apart. A 5k population is not too small and makes the game feel a lot more like it did back in the day, instead of just like Retail with a Classic skin.

Saying that, Blizzard never wanted the CB server in the first place. That’s part of why they are doing this.

If I were playing SoD on CB I’d probably go to LL but that’s because I tend to like the environment of RP servers and I don’t like mega servers even over the WPVP aspect (which I also love but I don’t like mega servers even more than that). Good luck to you all.


How about transfers for Pennance? Blizzard has left us for dead, theres literally only 100 horde players total vs the 1000 alliance, realm is completely dead. We need transfers to a realm which has you know… people playing.

Sorry bud but in toms eyes the ‘churn’ of players on your server is just fine.

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Since your server has a healthy population according to our data, we will not be offering transfers for your server, thank you.

-Blizzard “Worker”

Look at this tweet from Tom. One of the people responsible for our server management in classic versions of the game.

Alright, so we’ve been looking at getting Wrath Classic realms condensed down ahead of Cataclysm launch, SoD style mega realms.

Alright, Lets look at a key piece of this now.

SoD style mega realms.

I am sorry… Did I read that right?

SoD style mega realms.

I thought so.

This has absolutely NOTHING to do with Chaos Bolts realm slowly dwindling away as they claim. This has absolutely NOTHING to do with the community anymore.

This has EVERYTHING to do with what THEY want to do. What THEY think is BEST.

Communication means NOTHING.

"Its about the “Other People.”

Uh hello? Doesn’t that phrase work on literally EVERYONE who plays the game? There will ALWAYS be “Other People”

This has in all honesty been an absolute train-wreck of a show and I am so appalled that it has come down to this.

“Oh your server is small… hahaha… lets force you to be a mega server. Oh poo… we forgot people actually like to RP. Lets send you to the only RP realm. Even though we want to treat you guys like a PVP realm.”

Ok… but don’t give us a PVP realm option to transfer to… or even a normal PVE realm.

Nope. Has to be the mega server.

Here lets reference another statement.

CB is not going anywhere, if you want to remain in it as a small community you’re more than welcome to. But we said with launch if a realm started shrinking too fast we’d let people move for free. I have to honor that statement.

Yet. It is locked. So that it intentionally dies. So yes, CB is going somewhere… it is going to the graveyard after an X amount of time.

By the numbers, new players weren’t rolling there anyway. And leaving it open to new creation just creates a back door to bypass faction balance on Crusader. It’s not perfect but working with the toggles we have.

Is all of Crusader Strike going to be allowed to make both factions? Seems unfair if not.

Also… doesn’t this contradict your own statement? new players weren’t rolling here… yet new players would roll here to bypass faction balance…


This is hilarious.

Anyhow, as always I hope this gave you some insight and food for thought. We’re never trying to make you unhappy, we genuinely want all of you to be having fun as its good for business and since we all have jobs, we kind of want to keep them. But making everyone happy when it comes to realms is unfortunately impossible so we have to make decisions that we know at least some percentage of players will hate.
Woo, fun. Someone’s going to hate you \o/

Imagine going to your boss and telling them you are okay with people hating you in the community. Imagine actively telling the community you are okay with them hating you. That’s what Blizzard allows now? “You can hate us for what we did.”

That should never be the case.

The community isn’t asking for character boosts, free wow time, unlimited gold, or anything CLOSE to that.

The community has simply been asking for OPEN COMMUNICATION and the FREEDOM to CHOOSE where they can go.

R.i.p. to peoples names, guilds, friendships, and more… sure. If it has to happen, so be it.

But to take their CHOICE from them of WHERE to play, after all that time spent… WITHOUT communication.

I just expected better.

I literally expected better from a company I have known for years.


I loved CB and thought the population was just fine. Unfortunately, as soon as Blizzard announced this, people panicked and started leaving. The server wasn’t dying, but Blizzard decided to execute it because they changed their mind about mega servers since the start of WotLK.

My guild and myself are now on CS. Going LL just wasn’t an option when it had a smaller population than CB and is likely next on the chopping block. I’m not looking forward to all the contested quest mobs when P3 starts. Only good thing about all this is there are a lot of Grobb people here, so we can potentially recruit for SoD and Cata at the same time.