Free Character Moves for Chaos Bolt-US

A lot of us on chaos bolt ran into the issues described above.
It would take sometimea 1-2 hours to fill a group if you were looking for tanks or healers. It really wasnt a good experience.
A lot of us are glad to be moving to a bigger server where we can find groups in reasonable times.

This is coming from a fairly large guild on Chaos Bolt. We are all on at different times, raid at different times, and party at different times. If it wasnt during peek hours, good luck! We get that some people like small servers and have all day to look for a group , but a lot of us didn’t.

Just because its a bigger server population doesnt mean that community goes down the toilet, it just means that there are many more communities of different varieties that many people can choose from.

Also, if your looking for a fun and active guild, join us on Crusader Strike!

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Why is the question “But why aren’t there more tanks and healers?” not being asked?


Your experience wasnt the same as mine then. Never had problems pugging when I did pug. And its strange to think a server as large as CB would have problems. Its 5k people. To me it seems like people get this idea that the grass is always greener elsewhere.

Furthernore I also think some people, mostly dps players will be disappointed moving to CS and then suddenly becoming gatekept because suddenly now people can be picky with their members


I also never had an issue, being a very versatile class, I managed to play every role just fine when I needed to. Some folks just don’t like to play certain specs, and that’s fine, it does bring the question of “Why?” into account. The addition of Dual Spec will definitely have an impact on people finding specific roles for their group content.

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Imagine if they say that the transfers are time-limited to cause many to FOMO out of CB, that would make the server decay REALLY fast.

This is just so… yeah. You all are out of touch.

“Let’s let the PVP server go to a PVE server!”
instead of…
“Let’s let the PVP server go to a PVP server!”

Crazy concept, right?

Why was this not step one except CS → CB or LL.

You’d get the people who were tired of RP-PVP but wanted RP head to LL while the people who want to keep RP-PVP go to a smaller server who might not like congestion and what not.


Seems like a Blizzard move.

Whenever you think something feels shady, it’s likely what will happen with these guys.

The reason you couldnt find anyone was that all your guild does was raid log. I know I was in it.

Smaller server LL remains unlocked while CB is locked, this is a total contradiction as to why CB was locked to begin with. (bc it was shrinking)

It’s because it’s the only rp server. There were two rp-pvp servers. Blizzard wants one megaserver.

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It was stated that Chaos Bolt was locked due to fear of being exploited by Crusader Strike players to have both factions on a PvP server.

sure not like they cant just let people faction change while xferring…2024 and blizz be acting like its 2008

There’s a lot that they could have done unfortunately. Even doing nothing was better for the server. Being transparent would have been the best though.


RIP Chaos Bolt. Glad I made the decision to stick with Crusader Strike. Learned my lesson from Mutanus during SOM.

The “why” is quite simple, some people just don’t enjoy passively standing by and healing other people for hours. And some people don’t like just being a damage sponge for hours. It did suck trying to find a group if you weren’t active during the launch of the first 2 phases and the new server is already much easier to find groups for, for every role. I’d much rather spend my time playing the game than spamming chats for a group or having to play an unenjoyable role which kind of defeats the purpose of even playing in the first place.

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The reason for locking the server is mildly believable on one hand, and eye-crossingly ridiculous on the other. The fact that they didn’t think about what kind of message this would send is just ridiculous. Yeah, lots of people immediately transferred, but how many of those did so because they thought the server was being killed? If you close a shop and board the windows and doors up, people are going to think you’re going out of business. It’s not rocket math.


Gotta admit I wish I could move to a pve server. I went pvp for friends but they all quit.

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yeah, same. This is ridiculous to be honest. They give us 2 options. One is a server with WORSE POP THAN CB… and the other is a megaserver PVP server… They never replied to my post asking why it has to be RP to RP? It makes no sense, there have been hundreds of us in the comments here and in other posts asking for xfers to open to any server or atleasT SOME of the non-RP servers…and yet, they ignore us. This has been one of the biggest issues WoW has had throughout its entire existence.

Clearly stupid decisions being made, an outcry by the community, asking questions for clarity, for answers to why things are the way they are…and crickets. EVERY. SINGLE. TIME. Its so frustrating.

exactly. blizzard is terrible at managing anything these days and the ineptitude and incompetence is astounding. i wish i could be as bad at my job as Aggrend and Co and still get paid like im a rockstar… killed a great server for no reason. it should be lock CS and open free xfers to CB and it would have been just fine.


…holy hell that makes even less sense. So you’re saying…they are breaking a fundamental rule of PVP servers, but only for CB transferees…but locked the server so that people couldn’t exploit it, and didn’t clarify that, but they’re at the very same time implicitly admitting that YES, IT IS AN OP EXPLOIT TO HAVE BOTH FACTIONS ON A PVP SERVER…

So instead of doing the most logical thing, which would be to allow Xfers off CB to NON-RP servers… Or to just do the opposite of what they did, Allow CS xfers to CB… they do the more ridiculously, unthoughtout idea of them all… I’m flabbergasted. this is absolutely insane.

Blizz. You claim you listen to your playerbase. So why don’t you tally up all the people who said “Just make it so you can xfer to non-RP servers please”, and then go “Hmmm, okay lets ‘listen to our playerbase’” jfc…