Free Character Moves for Chaos Bolt-US

So if I already have Ally on CS and transfer my only Horde, a shaman, from CB to CS can I create additional Horde characters as well or am I stuck with just the one?

No, not all of CS will be allowed to dual faction. Only people who xfered from CB. It’s crazy, I xfered lvl 4 alli lock, to CS where I had a lvl 40 priest. I can now create NEW CHARACTERS OF EITHER FACTION. I can’t overstate just how shocked I am that this is the absolute state of things. This guy needs to be reprimanded or fired immediately. This is unacceptable behavior.

But the thing is, unless this gets out to a big creator like Asmongold or Bellular, or someone with actual influence over these people, NOTHING will change or be done. They don’t listen on here or twitter. They ignore everything people say. At this point, just allow us to xfer to ANY SERVER WE WANT, and ENFORCE no dual factions… tada, “Everyone is happy”, as the end of his post about “disgruntled Chaos bolters” (so disrespectful smh) said, “its impossible to make everyone happy”…

not screwing everyone over would be a start, Tom.

Nice for me personally, but definitely bad for the game overall.


Yeah it’s funny how this has never been an issue, until now. Which is why I’m inclined to believe it’s just bs. They got egg on their face by making a dumb knee jerk decision and didn’t count on anyone biting back. But now they have an angry mob breathing fire down their throats, so “Hey guys umm [insert nonsensical excuse here] okay?”

Optics are everything, and there’s no way to interpret free transfers off a locked server than an intentional killing. If a shop closes and boards up their windows, everyone is going to assume they went out of business.


I love at the end of their long twitter essay which answered jack ended with this

“Woo, fun. Someone’s going to hate you \o/“

Like they’re the victims.


Already wondering how im going to exploit having two different characters on both factions on CS.

Outside of crap-talking the opposite faction after I gank them of course.

Maybe you guys can give me ideas?

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Just let us transfer to lone wolf please.

The entire thing from Ellis is just gaslighting and belittling chaos bolt players.


They’re already getting free beta testing, why not also use us as lab rats for Tom & Josh’s amazing game dev visionary server ideas. Just make this a nickelodeon sitcom at this rate.

Wotlk servers have the PTR and beta tests, they get ASKED what they want, us? We’re bacteria in the petri dish to these people.


Might as well play on a private server, at least then you arent paying 15 dollars a month to get bent over raw.


Feels to me like they saw chaos bolt is tilting alliance (57.2% alliance, 42.8% horde) despite faction locks, because new horde weren’t rolling there. They don’t want their faction lock experiment to be a failure, so they shut down the realm before the faction imbalance became any worse.

The fate of CB was decided when the devs, trying to stick to their initial plan, refused to launch a second RP-PVP server the second all the streamers announced they were going to roll on CS. This was obvious for anyone following the initial launch of SOD servers with an eye on the original Grobbulus community.

A few months later, instead of trying to fix the issue (how about offering free transfers from CS to CB?), they simply execute the server and make a condescending tweet.

I play both in CS and CB. CB was obviously much smaller, but it felt like Grobbulus. CS is just Faerlina, an absolutely garbage experience outside of the guild I’m in.


For all the new forum readers coming in here, I’d really appreciate if you all were to read everything from the start. It’s worth it, as there is obvious uproar about the situation. Multiple suggestions worth noting have been discussed. You’ll see exactly why this is just disappointing, maybe you too can be disgruntled with us. The actions of the Development Team make minimal sense. The only thing they got correct is that faction balance is tilted and people discovered they don’t want to play on a small server, PvP or otherwise.

Please unlock Chaos Bolt.


That just shows the total lack of accountability or empathy. It’s been like that with these devs for a while.

People use the “Gaslighting” phrase incorrectly a lot but it is pretty accurate here.

There’s also this part of that long post:
“Let’s break this down a bit, I can’t make you all happy but I can at least give you the perspectives you’re missing (this isn’t a fault, you’re doing the very human thing of looking at yourself and how this impacts you).”

Then the rest of the post goes onto explain how important it is to pander to the people whose only thought process involves themself - in other words, how quickly they can find groups. These types of players are terrible for MMOs and should never be catered to, as there is zero thinking outside of what is best for them and that’s not good in a game built around interaction with others.

This is with the exception that in some cases it extends to their guild where there is a delusion that bigger server will save their dying guild even though this rarely is the case. Guilds have an 80% chance of dying after a server move but few notice they died after moving because there is next to no name recognition on those mega servers.

The guild part isn’t even reflected in that post though it’s exclusively about catering to the most self obsessed part of the playerbase who can’t think beyond how fast they can get groups or their parses. What a way to twist reality when they call the community focused player selfish and act as if the self obsessed player is totally normal.

The entire post shows zero care about people who like things like a tight community with things like name recognition, and keep in mind this is an RP server where this is even more relevant, or even about people who hate seeing servers ripped apart.

For example, I’m annoyed enough to post and I haven’t been playing SoD so this is not about me at all. It’s about hating seeing this sort of thing happen and hating seeing the gross reaction from the dev.

Anyway, this is just all more of the same as what’s been going on since 2021, but yeah it sucks for a certain type of player even though the “instant gratification type” continues to be Blizzards pet audience and I doubt that will ever stop.


So, I just logged in to CB to transfer my shaman but I don’t see an option.

How does this work? What am I missing?

EDIT: nm, found the shop button in the bottom left of the log in screen :stuck_out_tongue:

Wow did CB really die overnight? I can’t find any Gnomer or BFD groups on a Saturday morning, on the 1st day of fresh lockout.

This is precisely correct.

Every CB player ought to remember that SoD’s Grobbulus is dying because the Classic WoW development team decided, in their own words, that they’d rather use the “switches they have available to them” and lock any potential new players from starting here rather than do their job and DEVELOP a new switch that stops the backdoor issue Ellis mentioned. It’s pure laziness on their part, and all too reminiscent of neo-Blizzard. This is not an issue of money; servers are not expensive to keep spinning - just look at any other low population game or private community maintaining thousands of concurrent players. This is an issue of laziness and contempt for being forced to do their job once already by spinning up CB in the first place in response to the overwhelming population CS had.

Speak with your wallet rather than let Blizzard continue to get your money for such poor practice.


My man, it’s Easter, people probably spending it with their families instead of being a sweaty basement goblin advertising BFD / Gnomer raids.

Only so far this copium can take you

chaos bolt is dead, and Blizzard has killed it. The murder of all murders.


Can someone please try and explain to me Blizzard’s reasons for doing this rather than just merging CB with another server? Thank you.