Good to know CB is staying, but what is concerning is anyone remaining on CB if they suddenly choose to kill it (we have no reason to think they won’t at this point) and force us to LL due to managing balancing is problematic.
What a crapchute.
Good to know CB is staying, but what is concerning is anyone remaining on CB if they suddenly choose to kill it (we have no reason to think they won’t at this point) and force us to LL due to managing balancing is problematic.
What a crapchute.
They’ve already chosen to kill it. Its execution was mandated on March 26 by Fwoibles:
“Additionally, new player character creation has been disabled on Chaos Bolt”
“Welp, 75% of the server left of their own accord with no influence from us at all. Now the server is REALLY dead. We’re just gonna go ahead and close it.”
And they didn’t answer any questions. Like how does it work if you got alliance on CS and horde on CB. I boggles the mind on how they can be good at some things and so bad at others.
I’ve been through this song and dance many a times in WoW history. The server will die (yes a few people will be holdouts and build a community there, but I don’t like that type of server personally – to each their own though).
I wish they gave us the option for Lone Wolf, but at this point my guild and I will be leaving as well. The amount of people that will be drained from CB is just too large to do the activities that I would like to do.
Less people, less mats, less pugs (especially to 20 mans), less guilds, more expensive consumes, less “good players”, leading to less good parses for everyone. The coffin is open already with the announcement, locking, and transfers.
You get to keep both on CS…
Just transferred over my Alliance Paladin and my newly created level 10 Shaman Spy are both co-existing.
4 layers in IF though. Way too populated. On my other toons gonna stay on CB for a bit and finish up BM.
It just works, they are allowing it for the transferred characters. Many people are already reporting and showing their toons on horde and ally being logged in right after each other. Apparently it’s not a hill they care about right now.
That sounds terrible on a new phase launch. Questing zones were swarmed even on LL. Yeah layers are a thing, but I wonder if they help all that much with THAT big of a population.
The way that entire response is worded by Tom feels terrible and belittling. Really shows that you truly do not care. Even asking for pity at the end like…
This announcement and decision was fumbled from the start; take some ownership. You have no one to blame but yourself for the outrage and confusion. To say Chaos Bolt is “not going anywhere” the day after you lock the server and offer one way transfers…must think we’re stupid.
I just relayed the information that I was told, and it ended up being correct. So don’t be so butthurt by nonsensical things
Great now they’ve given even more access to toxic players such as this guy who feel the need to make “spy” characters in an online game to tamper with others’ experience
It’ll be ok… just give it time.
Feels super bad to move to crusader strike, latency to west servers is ~40ms and the east servers are ~65ms. Any other choice?
“You think you wanted to play on an RP-PVP Server, but you dont”
“You actually want to play on the Asmoonite infested Faerlina server that’s wearing the mask of Grobbulus like Leatherface in the texas chainsaw massacre. Oh not that one? How about the smaller server without pvp and that is completely dominated by one faction? Yeah you wanted these. It’ll be over soon just smile sweety. Btw all your friends secretly wanted this except you”
Lava Lash is on mountain time, if that helps at all.
Not sure if that means the server is also located here, but eh.
Hahaha I think time is what we all need
“If you thought Chaos Bolt was fine, you were happy, your guild was stable, life was good, you found groups in a time that you found reasonable and everything was dandy. But, this is all built on other people. Your guild while successful almost certainly has X number of people that wished it was more hardcore, X number of people that wished it was more casual. The groups you find for random content, you were contented that it took X amount of time to form that group and play, but someone else who joined that group was livid that if took an hour of his precious downtime after the kids went to bed to find a group to do the thing that he wanted to do in WoW that evening. Basically in Seasonal realms, without Paid Character Transfers, a lot of people stick with where they originally rolled due to the time they sunk into those characters. But they’re not happy. They are in fact a ticking timebomb till enough is enough and they just churn out of WoW.”
-Senior Game Producer
Now there was more to the original tweet, but this part especially speaks to me about their reasoning on why they think Chaos Bolt was doomed. So they expedited the process.
This quote reads as, while community is a good thing - it’s not what they want to focus on. They want to focus more on the single player experience. Making it so that all single players have the chance to play exactly how they want to play, disregard teamwork. It really goes to show that not having Tanks and Healers available at any given moment is apparently the reason that a server is failing. For the love of Azeroth, some people can’t even do group activities without dedicated group specs. Let alone the time for others to get on their schedule, cause ours don’t matter to them.
How many people leveled as Tanks or Healers? It’s not at the pace that people in a hurry would like. Looks like dual-spec could solve this, people will be happy. Unfortunately it’s coming after these major changes to Chaos Bolt, you know, the changes that were made because people can’t find Tanks or Healers. Another foresight error…
So we have one Senior Game Producer who wants to prioritize the single player experience, and one that wants to prioritize the community playing experience. A guild for example.
It was also the decision of everyone involved to not have Paid Character Transfers on Seasonal realms. Then you go and offer them for free, like it could have been allowed the whole time. Not that I mind, that’s nice. It’s just another thing that could have happened for all servers, paid or not. Not everyone started on the server they thought they’d like.
Please unlock Chaos Bolt.
Please unlock Chaos Bolt.
Sorry, no can do, cant jeopardize the sanctity of CS by letting people roll characters on CB for the sole purpose of transferring them and being able to play both factions on CS.
CB had to die you see, it had to die to protect the virginal innocence of CS.
It never made sense to have free transfers to CS. That’s the server that should have been locked, and free transfers to CB.
But Blizz does everything backwards.