Free Character Moves for Chaos Bolt-US

Thanks. Definitely have my condolences about CB. Really sucks that this is happening.

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Okay so good news and bad news

Good news is my guildie Sardonic spoke to Tom Eilish via Twitter and he responded

So it seems there is not any plan right now to delete the server. However they still shut off from new players because quote “new players werent rolling on there anyway”

Which is a major wtf statement. Why good does that do to us? Even if only 5 new players joined a month, this would be better than 0, because it means 5 potentisl raiders. Now the guilds who remain have to cannibalize each other over a dwindling player base.

Furthermore, why not then promote new players to go to CB over other servers. You’ve done it in the past with new player designations and the server being selected first for new players. Why was this the first course of action, Blizz?

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So glad that all communication is done via a member based website that locks all content through a sign in screen.

I hope the twitter users from CB respond in force because they absolutely gutted the server by locking it.


Very odd. The changes they made seem to be with the intent of getting everyone off the server and not allowing anyone else to join.

If they had any plans to keep the server around and boost the numbers they would have enabled FCT from CS to CB.


And nothing can be said about unlocking the server?

Garbage news. Tone deaf as per usual.

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They don’t want to because (sic) no new players are rolling on it.

I mean just don’t believe him. It’s pretty disingenuous to say its not going anywhere when they have mandated it’s execution.


I don’t believe him either, I won’t until they unlock it.

They also don’t want a backdoor to CS to avoid faction imbalance. Which is more believable but still like what

They should have left CB bolt alone. Most of us thought the server was fine population wise despite the shrinking new player base

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They noticed new players were not playing on Chaos Bolt. So numbers were falling. We still only have 3rd party information only regarding active raiders who log their raids.

So they announced their plan to have players transfer off Chaos Bolt, but PvP servers have a faction balance. Meaning you can only have one faction at a time on any given PvP server. This is not the case for players on Chaos Bolt. They can transfer their characters to have Horde and Alliance on the same PvP server. In order to prevent this being exploited by the ever so much larger Crusader Strike, they locked Chaos Bolt from any type of character creation.

In their first message here they announced that the character transfers are not time limited, meaning the fate of Chaos Bolt is sealed and will be locked until further notice. All of this information was found on Twitter and not the official site.

This all is ultimately a large backstep by the development team, basically saying they should have never made Chaos Bolt without actually saying it. All of this didn’t have to happen either, they didn’t have to offer transfers off the server. With all the changes to experience and leveling rewards, those that want to go will have a much easier time catching up. The people who want to play here could still play here, but now communities are in a twist. Some staying, some going. All because numbers weren’t looking right, but supposedly they’re not shutting the server down either so I don’t get it.

Please unlock Chaos Bolt


transfers do appear to be live now with LL and CB as options. Just queued up a test alt, will report back with updates.

Fingers crossed we are finally released from this dead server


That wall of text is trash. I didn’t join any other the servers because I wanted a small to med pop server. Now Im being forced onto a megaserver. At this point I’d take a transfer on to any other pvp server other than CS


Guild is in the process of moving to Crusader Strike. RIP Chaos Bolt. :sob:

nots sure if new, but theres a restore deleted character button next to the character create button

o i missed this

They completely fumbled this. His Tweet makes little to no sense. Their possible intentions of forcing Megaservers in Wrath/Cata realms is terrifying.

Seriously why in the world do you even care what server we choose?

Just for the record…

Whoever was involved in this server transfer decision… You suck at your job.


"Within an hour of opening transfers to Crusader Strike, thousands took those FCMs without a second thought. " I know firsthand of guilds who specifically took the Xfer the moment it was offered SOLEY because of the lock. you made an overt statement that the server was to be slowly bled dry, stop denying your hand in this


Yep 100%. He either thinks were really stupid or he’s just flat out clueless. Given how the xfer was handled it seems like it might be the later.