Free Character Moves for Chaos Bolt-US

So… uh… about that whole “later in the week” thing… sup blizz?


Literally the equivalent of being left on read.


Ironically them breaking everything and then disappearing isn’t calming but just infuriating/disappointing to the point of not playing sod anymore. I honestly thought the unsub threateners were just karens on day 1, but tbh now I feel the same way, i have a hard time believing blizz doesnt know how to/have the resources to fix something theyve implemented many times before in the past, and if it is such a difficult thing to fix then so be it but how about all the questions left unanswered, they literally dont care and i feel dumb for thinking we might have had some of the old blizzard spirit back with sod. i remember making a phone call to human support when my friend changed my password in middle school during original tbc lol, something that you can fairly say i didnt deserve the help tbh, but now we cant even get a couple sentences written to thousands of ppl when they mess up, saddening.


Every time somebody posts I think it’s blizz. :sob::clown_face:


Same here man lol, i set up to be notified incase they opened transfers for a small window again so i didnt miss the next wave if there is one, but to be fair i didnt think It’d go this long. It’s probably for the best i disable that now :clown_face:

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“Sir, what are we doing about the chaos bolt situation?”

“Lets just talk about it after our 8 oclock on Friday, you got the sprinkle donuts this time right? Wheres my whole milk.”

“In the break room fridge sir, just how you like it”


At least some sort of communication at this point from Blizz would be appreciated honestly. I’m really hoping this doesn’t turn into a “Yeah we messed up so we’re just going to shut down the server and will pick this server to merge with”. Played classic too long to not put it past them. :frowning:

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This was to be expected…

The P3 announcement was to good. There always is someone willing to setup up and be that turd in the punch bowl.

Bossman always has the best ideas, that blizz break room fridge milk hits different, nocap frfr :100::ok_hand:


maybe if their dairy supply line wasn’t disrupted they would have been nutritionally fortified against such terrible decision making

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Good morning! :heart: :sun_with_face: :heart: :sun_with_face: :heart: :sun_with_face:

Checking in for any updates on this good friday :latin_cross: :headstone: :flight_departure: :sun_behind_small_cloud:


Let me off this dead server for the love of god.


Please communicate with us! Myself and others stranded on CB while our guild made it to CS already. Very frustrating we continue to get radio silence after you thrust this upon us and locked the sever.

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So… whats the deal here? still unable to transfer my characters to CS from CB. Also i have 2 horde on CS, do i have to delete them? since you wont let me transfer them off CS

What’s going on is that we are dealing with people that have no integrity, willingness to own up to their mistakes, or management capable enough to intervene.

They would rather bury their head in the sand until it all goes away.


Will this be the first classic server they’ve allowed people to have both Horde and Alliance characters on?

So only the victims can have both factions on CS, but the people who didn’t have any characters on CB don’t get that special privilege?

so 1/3rd of my guild is stuck on Crusader Strike since they successfully moved and the rest are still stuck on Chaos Bolt.
Must be a bug so big that the devs are trying to squash in it in helldivers 2, cause it’s utter silence over here.

It’s a pretty funny consolation prize to CB players, but I have no clue what Blizzard is going to do about the faction balance implications.

My sadness at the loss of CB is almost overshadowed by how funny I find watching this trainwreck

On this Good Friday Chaos Bolt has been sacrificed for the sins of Blizzard. We await the return of our lord and savior Aggrend to save us from this travesty.