Free Character Moves for Chaos Bolt-US

And I will emulate the manner in which they run it.

Again, if your life is so lackluster to the point that is what gives you stimulus, then more power to ya.

You got the wrong guy, buddy.

Apologies my friend, the message was for the alliance gentleman who’s angry with blizzard

Caught in the crossfire. Aren’t we all :sob:

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We would love an update on this situation. Please open up Lone Wolf and/or Living Flame as free transfer destinations. :confused:


I was hoping to get some work done before the poe league but doesnt seem likely anymore :frowning:

Any news when we can leave this dead server?


6 to 7 business years.


If you’re going to kill the server, at least let us pick where we go. I don’t want to go to the megaserver that is CS and I don’t want to go to an RP that is LL. Why can’t we go to a PvP server?


If you’re going to kill the server, please just do it faster. I don’t want to spam LFG chat for hours, unable to find SM groups, and I want to actually see people doing things. Why can’t we just hurry this up and transfer.


It was pretty funny seeing everyone in LFG today saying “They said it will be done by end of week, that’s tomorrow!”

Just for me to correct them and tell them to read the blue post closer, blizz said they “HOPE” the can open up transfers by end of week. They guaranteed nothing people, we’re in for the long haul.

They don’t care about your split guilds, your ruined lock outs, your empty LFG channel. If history has taught us anything, the blizz devs are laughing about all these posts in their group chat, turning everyone in this thread into memes. (Yes, including myself. Personally, I’m hoping they give me the mocking Spongebob).

LFG is MEGA dead now :smiley: blizz just let me transfer me guys and have them locked out idc

its 2am est time

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I play on Wild Growth, but I decided to read this thread out of boredom, and now I’m posting due to outrage.

Keep in mind, this effects me in no way whatsoever…

I am appalled by so many things Blizzard is doing to you CB players. Announcing that they’re locking the server, and allowing transfers to CS. So people see the post, and start transferring because they want to beat the crowd, or get their name, whatever it may be.

You go on to lock the transfers due to a bug, but now you announced when things open back up, players can choose Lava Lash as well? You’ve essentially split a bunch of guilds up, and are giving NO information on what is going on.

Assuming Blizz doesn’t work on Good Friday, so I wouldn’t be surprised if they screw the split up guilds out of the weekend Gnomer lockout as well.

I won’t even get into the “having Horde and Alliance toons on CS” discussion, they completely failed to think of that scenario.

Y’all really dropped the ball on this one. Welcome to the Blizzcircus.


It’s an absolute joke and they should really be ashamed of themselves.


All the people who jumped to CS because they thought it was their only option, are they now stuck on CS? If so, and they don’t allow you guys to reverse back to CB or transfer one more time to the other options they’re providing… idk that would be enough to make me unsub. Even moreso if I got locked away from my friends and guildies.


I feel like I’m paying to play on a private server at this point, except they probably would update their communities on issues being worked on lol.

They don’t think it be like it is, but it do.


funny how blizzard devs made snarky tweets about not stacking on mega servers pre launch and now a whole server is being sent to one


It’s overall silly, it’s even worse that they’re not communicating at all… It’s like they know they’re the bad guys here and are waiting for upset players to calm down.