Free Character Moves for Chaos Bolt-US

it’s friday and this problem still hasnt been fixed. What a SS lmao.


He’s active on his tweeter account where people have mentioned addressing this on his posts since it was announced, but he ignores those and pretends all is well lol. The light has abandoned us. With that being said it’s only fair that we can become death knights now


Please give SOME sort of update. The silence after giving our server the death sentence and stranding guilds is insulting.

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Can you please open up free transfers to a normal pvp server (Living Flame or Lone Wolf).
Going from a low pop to a high pop server isn’t a great option.

Too busy living for 10v10 pvp


Funny you think theyll be at work before tuesday


Bruh…its friday. cmon blizz, open the transfers.


Its friday on what for them is probably a 4 day transfers wont open until phase 3 drops, prepare for the logon boss


I’d consider Aggrend one of the void than the light. People do nothing but suck the life out of good things for no reason.

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Hey “GarnetHound”,

You’re a developer. I’m a developer. Some “Product” person totally didn’t think through this cross-faction issue. And you’re left cleaning up the mess. It sucks, but that’s how this works in a small indie company.

You’ve obviously had to report upward some sort of estimate for how long this is going to take. Something more recently than the “maybe by the end of this week” estimate you had on Wednesday. Would you kindly ask your manager if you can share that with us to fill us in?

If it helps, remind your manager that a small, indie company wants to keep its customers happy. And sharing information and developing a relationship of trust is part of that.



This thread is getting pretty long and thorough. A lot of discussion on both sides.

But PLEASE can we have a Blue Post describing what is happening? People are disconnected from guilds (some transferred some didn’t make it), some people are questioning/planning where they are going to end up.

I think we would like a description of “Why the server is locked”, “What the future plans are of the server”, “When will transfers be reopened”, and “What servers will be available for Transfers once it opens”.

I know that there are probably a lot of discussions right now internally about a few of the challenges that occurred because of this and what changes need to be made and we appreciate the hard work but we would really like some news.

Oh, and please open up Lone Wolf for Transfers from CB :slight_smile:


They should have allowed transfers both ways, to and from CB <=> CS, some people clearly perfer CB’s atmosphere.

Theres still a lot of players on CB that dont know anything about the transfers. Once all the players that want to transfer to CS leave, i doubt those of us that remain will notice.

Anticdotally, i ran Gnomer twice last night with pugs, the server isnt dead yet!


It’s not dead yet cause we’re waiting to transfer out! :sob:




Let’s make a screenplay out of this, folks. Feel free to keep the dialogue going:


Three diverse nerds of body types 1, 2, and 3 sit around a large oak table in expensive high-back chairs. A large television screen fills the wall at the head of the table, showing a Zoom conference call session. No picture is displayed on the TV, but only a black screen with text in the middle that says, “Johanna”, and a blinking red light in the upper corner.

           GARNET HOUND 
  Hello?  Can you hear us?

A long pause. Then the silence is interrupted with a deep, angry voice.

  Who dares to interrupt my slumber?

           GARNET HOUND
  (voice squeaking)
  I'm sorry ma'am.  It's the users.   They demand answers.

Who the hell is Aggrend anyway? Is this a streamer? dev? Never heard of him before.

That’s it, I’ve had enough. I’m calling JG Wentworth.
“It’s my server and i want it now!”


WoWs head developer for SoD

Absolute garbage from Blizzard

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Can someone make one of those memes where it’s a scene from two and a half men and Charlie sheen and the other guy are sitting around a table thinking they forgot something but then deem it unimportant and it’s chaos bolt sitting out in the rain?