Free Character Moves for Chaos Bolt-US

it could be an oversite that gets reversed but those who did the immediate transfer and had opposite faction on CS can play both

Read my response

Unlock chaos the bolt


its a temp game verson and w/ some already having access i would guess they err on the side of giving all access

if the exchange already took place then its joever

Unlock Chaos Bolt


going into a holiday weekend with no response to an inept rollout is so blizz it hurts


They said sometime this week so they have 1 day left until the workweek is over, assuming they dont have froday off in which case resolution should be forthcoming

Yeah, my guild is waiting to transfer until this is all sorted out.

Well you can’t even if you tried so that’s good… i guess

Cant wait to go to crusader strike!!!:slight_smile:


I don’t want to, but it looks like we don’t have a choice. :disappointed:

thats kind of stupid for a pvp server

I should roll a Horde and transfer my Alliance. That way I can look up some Horde who I want to gank.

Quite scummy, you could just play the game like a normal person but more power to ya

Sure. Soon as Blizzard runs a game like a normal dev.

no correlation there but go off

You mean Blizzard can make crappy, incomprehensible decisions and I can’t?


If you see someone jumping off a bridge and decide to follow them, it’s not a wise choice but that’s your choice. Never said you couldn’t, just pointed out that it’s a scummy thing to do but again more power to ya

Blizzard can do whatever they want, it’s their game. We just play it. And I’m glad that I get to play this wonderful game.