Free Character Moves for Chaos Bolt-US

I get that things sometimes take time to fix, but the lack of communication during all of this is unprofessional. Imagine a mechanic working on your car or a contractor working on your house remaining radio silent after botching a job.


yeah I really don’t understand why they can’t check in and say “still working on it, check back tomorrow”


Because they’re completely clueless

It was also locked to new character creation period at one point

They ruined what could have been a great experience. It had been great but needed some help maybe from some on other servers that wanted a smaller setting as well. Now, none of us benefit.

I don’t feel like playing is really an option until we get more information. I am in the camp that has Alliance characters on CB and Horde characters on CS. Unless we can still transfer regardless of faction after they get the transfers back up, I feel like playing either would be a waste of time in the event I have to choose which characters to abandon. They should, at the very least, tell us whether having opposite faction characters will prevent us from moving after the fix.

That is what me and my guild are waiting on. ALOT have horde on CS and we don’t want to have to give up them in order to continue playing with our friends.

It can be like a CB veteran status symbol. Two factions on one server to represent having been probed in unpleasant places.

Really wish you guys would give us an update on the situation. Many of us are in Limbo and not playing right now because of this fiasco.

Give us an update!

Im sure one of their debates is what to do, they either have to allow dual factions for all, or for none. they cant give it to just some.

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They already said that you will be able to have both horde and alliance on the same server

Where? I haven’t seen an official Response on that yet.

they can, and it seems they plan to. I don’t see why they wouldn’t be able to, it’s just the circumstance of the situation.

some players are claiming they have both now but I haven’t seen a blue post since they said transfers are bugged

I don’t think Blizzard has said anything since them letting us know that the transfers were bugged, But a couple of people already transferred their characters over before the bug started happening

Does that mean I can xfer gold to my toons through neutral AH?

I don’t work for blizzard nor have I transferred realms before so I’m not the one to ask, but given that you already can’t buy your own auctions I would assume not

What if a friend puts something up for sale (horde) on the neutral AH and I buy it (alliance) and he gives me the gold on Horde char. I have like 400g on Chaos bolt that I farmed and kind of gave up on it when I restarted on Crusader Strike as Horde. But now that this server xfer came up, I feel like I have a chance to get my gold that I spent so many hours farming!

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i assume with no response or update that those of us with raid teams that got split up are being told to screw ourselves this raid lockout lol

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you cannot buyout auctions from your alts