Free Character Moves for Chaos Bolt-US

yeah theyre down right now. Like that for everyone.

I see what you are saying. However; me and my guild like others choose rp pvp to play on. We like the rp and the pvp. We have set up multiple events between the two factions with us having a good time. And created rp events with our guild that involved pvp. We want to stay with the type of server we chose. The least they could do is lift the silly restriction on the pvp servers so we can move without having to choose between our 2 sets of characters.
Moving to pve or a pure rp server ( rp server which has a lower pop than cb) is such a smack in the face to us

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Thursday end-of-day and still no updates? Disappointing.


Itā€™s very disappointing. I was really hoping the transfers would be reopened by now. For those of us excited to move to Crusader, weā€™re stuck waiting for them to re-open the transfer so we can move on.


I dont see why they are taking so long to just say anything. Explain, reverseā€¦ its the lack of communication that is so aggravating


Thanks. Any idea about honor gained and rep after move? Will I still have my 80% to rank 5 if I move and my 5000/21000 for silver wing?

Everything on your character should
be the same wehn the move happens

Only thing that should be different is raid lockout. Raid lockout will reset with a character transfer.

Iā€™m not stressing that. As much as I tried I canā€™t keep up in raids. Thatā€™s life of feral druid. And I refuse to spec into healing or booming casting. Gotta go solo lol

And thank you vary much u and the horde folks.

Iā€™m not saying it should be one or the other, Iā€™m saying let it be whatever the player wants. I personally think there should be no restriction on the server you can choose, so that people like you can stick to RP and go to CS, and people like me can go to Wild growth.

There is just no logical reason for them to do this.

They are a complete clown show.


I just want some sort of update/communication at this point. We have our raid night tonight with people stranded on different servers and radio silence feels like crap.


They must know at this point that some raid teams are split. Iā€™d hope this would encourage haste in getting transfers reopened. Hereā€™s hoping they open up today.

servers people right for jumping at the first shiny thing



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SoD team is trying to understand the RP community so theyre doing some RP taking on the role of the dad who forgot about christmas gifts, so they said they had to run up to the store to grab some milk and cigs, theyā€™ll be back home any moment now!

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People forget Crusader Strike was LOCKED for ally faction for quite awhile after launch. Chaos Bolt was an option blizzard gave and the only option if you wanted to play on an rp pvp server for a hot minute. Itā€™s no oneā€™s fault but blizzard as to why people chose Chaos Bolt.


Itā€™s not " jumping at the first shiny thing". CS was flooded with streamers and the community they bring are not something RPers want. We asked for another rp-pvp server so we can build that community. And now they are closing it, without ANY communication on the subject. AND as stated above. Ques at the beginning were long especially for alliance.


Server was locked for creation, effectively given a death sentence. You just sound moronic now

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