Free Character Moves for Chaos Bolt-US

Well said.

Iā€™m Still unable to transfer :frowning:

Good job not responding to a single players response. Really shows how much you guys care about the community.


People wanted Chaos Bolt because we didnā€™t want to be on the mega streamer server. So our options are to go to the server we didnā€™t want to or the server that isnā€™t even Rppvp and has a lower pop than ours? If you want to help server balance just open transfer up for all servers at this point. Iā€™m sure thereā€™s plenty of people on CS who would like to come to a smaller server. Like what are yā€™all thinking?


Everyone who thinks that Chaos Bolt has 5K+ players because of either didnā€™t know or is omitting the fact that number counts alts.

Its most likely way lower, hence them picking CB over LL for the first server to do this to.

too afraid to post on your main, zzz

Which, is still way higher than an olā€™Classic serverā€™s 2-3k cap back in the day. It also doesnā€™t take in the fact that there a lot of players that just donā€™t raid or didnā€™t want to raid in P2. (I didnā€™t raid Gnomerā€¦)

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Well said.

Thats also a good point. is just not a good method to validate server population. Itā€™s a better tool for seeing raiding pop.

I support this move, a lot of people will cry because the game will get more competitive but 5 people in org at midnight isnt it.


This is where I stand as well.

Iā€™m getting SOM transfer debacle flashbacks. They did the same thing when they allowed character transfer from SOM to either ERA or WOTLK.

When they first announced free transfers it was only to eranikus for WOTLK. I transferred right away to avoid forgetting and having my toon deleted. Not even a day later they stopped the transfers to fix a bug, and then all of a sudden they allowed transfers to any server after the fixā€¦ My friends got a free transfer to grobb (that was locked at the time) and I was stuck on eranikus LOL. Yā€™all a bunch of clowns fr.


I gotta say, Iā€™m pretty PO about the way this ChaosBolt situation has been handled. I donā€™t see them doing the right thing; the thing I was hoping they would do. And now Iā€™m either stuck as Horde or I need to delete all my hard earned characters to Re-roll. Not okay. Really killing my motivation, after the blow of 10 day warning end of phase no less. Not really a reformed company huh?

Yeah, their transfer methodology has always been suspect.

back on Whitemane classic, I got force moved off into TBC. I wasnā€™t playing the game when it happened and by the time I came back, I was stuck on a TBC server that was no longer balanced at all. 99% Horde while I was Alliance. At least they had paid transfers and I got off to go to Glob.

This plain sucks.

Smart move would have beenā€¦

  1. Let Phase 3 drop.
  2. Gauge playerbase (you know when PEOPLE COME BACK)
  3. Put a poll out for people on said server.

I loved CB because I saw a lot of familiar faces, especially in the open world and my CS alt just feels like a normal PVP server and justā€¦ sucks to me.

Oh well. I do plan on unsubbing once Chaos Bolt completely drips off.


i donā€™t think a poll wouldā€™ve accomplished much, itā€™s fairly biased to go one way.

I also think itā€™s fairly obvious that with 20m raiding dropping there was probably going to be playerbase issues to fill those. Of course I guess thatā€™s where the sort of guild metagame begins where guilds merge/share raid cores.

Itā€™s a huge shame that thereā€™s no medium population servers, a community canā€™t really form on mega servers.

The guild I was in had 2 groups running Gnomer so we were straight up ready to head into ST right from the announcement while on the same day were told YEP LOCKING CHAOS BOLT!! likeā€¦ why?

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This exactly. There is some confirmation bias going on here. There are people on both sides of the argument, but the loudest folks are currently the ones that donā€™t want the server to close. The discord has the same people complaining 500x an hour about CB.

Overall, CB did feel dead at times. I am looking forward to the options to have more people to play with for 20 mans. I have been through this song and dance with WoW many times and I know that I enjoy the game enough, and the MMO aspect enough to want to move over.

I just wish I had a few more options for destination servers.

Thatā€™s great news!

Unhinged had 9 gnomer groups clearing a week, that excluded alt runs

We were planning for 4 20 mans come phase 3 - the server didnā€™t feel dead at all. It felt like a normal classic server.