Free Character Moves for Chaos Bolt-US

How about opening up Lone Wolf and Living Flame as well, so we can have more options? :unamused:


Just going to say one last time unlock both factions on CrusaderStrike please. I want a RPPvP experience and there’s now only one server I can get it on.

So let me get this straight, we missed the blue post and attempted to transfer after the fact (mind you majority of us work and were unable to act within the time of the maintenance window yesterday). Is this one of those situations where we won’t be able to transfer now and be forced off to an RP server with no further possibility of returning to a PVP realm once the server implodes? Attempting to orchestrate a guild move to CS but the lack of details / information regarding if transfers are even going to be possible is disturbing…

At the very least also put Living Flame or Lone Wolf as options. Give players the choice of what path they want to go down. Better yet, make every US server an option. Allow some leniency for the mess this has caused. Transfers for CB players off CS seems warranted as well given they were just taken for a spin.

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Im sure you’re aware, but Chaos Bolt was PvP & RP.

Transfers to Crusader Strike, makes sense seeing its the only other PvP RP server.

What doesn’t make sense is, why accommodate for the RP and allow transfers to Lava Lash, but not the PvP and allow for transfers to Living Flame or Lone Wolf?!

If we were such an insignificant amount of players that you needed to kill off CB, why not just allow the “few” of us to transfer where ever we’d like?

Decision was BS to begin with, and just piss poor execution to add to it.


What’s worse is that Lava Lash is apparently lower pop than CB. So this move makes even less sense.


It still makes me question who OK’d this server closure to begin with as it’s full of WHYs and not “k that makes sense”.

WHY did they do this so suddenly? CS has a small but stable population. Main problem was player active hours. It’s not 24/7 active and more laid back and active on evenings and weekends. So if you’re a NEET/WFH during 6am-6pm, nobody is really online.

WHY did they only open up transfers to just Crusader Strike? That’s like opening up transfers from Deviate Delight not to Grobbulus when it was closing, but to Faerlina.

Crusader Strike is a RP-PVP server in name but has 0 soul to it or RP that Grobb had due to too many people and so many degens. The sharding and lag doesn’t help either.

And WHY did they wait until now for Lava Lash? A server with LESS OF A ACTIVE POPULATION than Chaos Bolt? What about those people stuck now on transfer limbo on Crusader now who can’t transfer off to go to an actual rp server? I can’t transfer or recover my CB characters as they were under lv 10 and the server is thinking I’m a new player now and locked me out.

Everything is so rushed and badly done.


You do realize free transfers don’t end when phase 3 launches right?

And? What does that have to do with what I said? I am trapped on a dying server (that blizzard decided to murder) until when?

How many lockouts of the raid will my toons miss because they killed my server and abandoned me?


Trapped implies no way out. Transfers will be here before the end of the week.

You won’t miss any lockouts unless you decide to purposely miss them.

Sorry if I am misunderstanding. What could possibly cause you to miss a lockout?

I feel bad for the people who went to crusader strike right away now that lava lash is an option, i hope they give them a time period where they can go to lava lash instead

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Half my server has already left dude? My lockout opened today? Servers practically empty… is it my fault if I miss my lockout tonight?

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Given this news, please also allow transfers to other realms like Lone Wolf. I think that having options between the “megaserver”, “the rp server”, and “a PVP realm” is valuable for the community at this time given the server we have been playing on is going to be closed.


Right people are way more attached to the pvp part of the server than the rp

Hard to believe half the alliance side of chaos bolt made it out in the 8? hours it was possible. Where many of those hours were doing the business day in the states.

Even so, there are plenty of people still pugging while they wait for transfers to open.


My guild is gonna wait and see too.

See ya in bloodmoon! Maybe we can win trade coins lmao

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I mean, you can sit here and complain about missing a lockout, or go pug it now and not miss it.


will this happen to another realm?

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If it does trust that it will happen suddenly and without warning, and blizzard wont be ready for their own arbitrary decision