Free 40k for everyone?

You’re done with Remix ( = bored) so you came to the forums to sh_ _post and insult people. You’re a winner.


If by earned you mean other players did the work and we got a bonus, then other players still did the work and we still get the bonus.

Who did i insult ?

If you don’t know then you really need an emergency trip to the brain store.


No by not doing the frog farm lol, thats what its all about thats why you get 40k

And they didn’t do the frog farm, because it was nerfed.

I dont know if i have one of those around where i live

I wish there was a brain store, some people should definitely get an upgrade.

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Yea so theres no point to farm it, thats my point, cuz its nerfed , you dont get it lol

I enjoy waking up in pools of drool and staring at things for hours, don’t hate.


I do get it, you’re upset that the hard work you put in to killing frogs in their multitudes converted into a perpetual bonus for the rest of us.


I dont know everyone on here is acting the same way lol, or maybe all gamers act the same way, but i didnt frog farm lol for like 10th time

Sure you didn’t, that’s why you’re complaining about the free 40k Bronze.


Despite me calling it 40k in whiner.bronze the leveling reward was more of a bandage for the scaling than anything else. It was easier for blizzard to give everyone 40k bronze at 70, use frogs as an excuse, and leave the scaling unchanged.

People were more sour at being craptacular at 70 then they actually were at frog farming. It was mostly misdirected anger and blizzard coming in hot with a big old bandage

40k is not even that much and who said in complaining read my post again , you guys think everyone is complaing and cheating lol

I suspect that it was already planned to be released, but the bandage was actually that frog farmers didn’t get it.

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Anything that involves taking away from someone people get mad and say its complaining lol

At least you did not threaten to quit or say you were quiting because of “x”.

This is the complaint.

It was fine apparently if the reward was only for the first group of players, but now it’s apparently not fine months later.

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No thats a question, it starts with a why… you guys man lol