Free 40k for everyone?

Being called out for posting nonsense should not be new. What exactly is your point? You can’t farm frogs and there is a 40k bronze reward for leveling. Where does this lead? You posted no suggestion. Nothing original or even thought out. It’s just a complaint about a reward created by complaining


Whos farming frogs here tho ?

I’ve got 160k if we’re counting alts. Probably even 200k cause I may may a shammy to help with weapon farming. I give away my non LFR raid drops to carries on my remix main because I literally don’t even need the bronze until/if the doubtful time weapon arsenals or some other kind of bronze dump is introduced.

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No one. It’s a summary of reality. No one can farm frogs. Everyone gets 40k bronze form leveling to 70. 3k, 7k, 30k to be exact. What is the point of this post?

Man that cool, iv been done with remix like 2 weeks ago

I have 8 remix 70s, that’s 320k in whiner bronze alone. Lol.

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I dont know maybe you guys not smart enough lol, casuals are not the brightest

I recommend buying a dog or maybe to be safe a fish.


Because the frog farmers had their cloak nerfed but kept their gear upgrades from bronze. That means all alts will always be behind in bronze which is why they keep giving it to all.

To me it seems silly because those gear upgrade differences were in the hundreds of thousands instead of just 40k. So the 40k is pretty useless. If they were going to do that it should of been for at least several gear levels, at least 200k.

With the bronze buffs, the 40k isnt worth much but it’s still one gear level.

Yea for gear maybe, but if your buying mounts and x mog its alot, gear dosent mean anything anyway

So why are you still here?

What does it matter to you what players get at all?


Cuz i want to ? Why you care ?

Because this whinge thread is so weird.


Its really not, its logic thread, but feel free to leave

Nah, I like it here, there’s a player who thinks they know what logic is.

I have popcorn.


Well tell me why are people getting the 40k ?

Because they did not take part in frog farming.

Wrong that was in the first 2 week, new players getting it now, when frog farming is no longer there, so why are they getting the 40k ?

They did not take part in frog farming, because frog farming was nerfed.

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Well frog farming would have to be available and beneficial to players for them not to do it, other wise if its nerfed there wont be a reason to forg farm, so they did not earn that 40k