Free 40k for everyone?

Questions can be complaints. Who taught you English?

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Well its definitely a statement not a complaint

Statements are different from questions, but they can both be complaints. Who taught you English?

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Never went to school



If it offends your sensibilities, you donā€™t have to accept it.


You kind of do, if you want to upgrade your gear. Momentus doesnā€™t progress to the upgrade window if you donā€™t accept the bribe.

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Momentus has a dark agendaā€¦

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All of the Bronze Dragonflight do if you look into the speculation about who this character isā€¦


maybe next expansion we get to know this npc?

Yes, that is part of the afore mentioned speculation.

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would be cool get demon hunter human race or something with green eyes

Actions have consequences.

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Why do I suspect this thread is made by a frog farmer still salty that they canā€™t get their free 40k?


Thatā€™s exactly what I thought.

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Karening intensifies.


I just started Remix last week so this is why when I spent all the bronze I got while leveling on mounts, I got free 30k more when I hit 70. Thanks!

Did enough frog killing in the original so no, Iā€™m not frog farming ever again. That was for the stupid emperorā€™s rep. Did I even get the frog pet? Canā€™t remember.

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How did you get him to turn red (nameplate)?

Itā€™s probably Threat Plates, as a healer main, I have both friendly and enemy nameplates on.

Friendly names are their class colors, hostile names are red.

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He is definitely threatening. Very rude too!! :wink:

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