Free 40k for everyone?

With the recent TR mastery buff, 40k isn’t a lot anymore. But you can imagine the backlash if they took it away, players would complain “I just started playing remix and I missed out on this free bronze, OMG Blizz so unfair!!!”


I know but the blue post said that it was only for people who did not take advantage as a reward

But also for their alts. So kinda had to leave it in the game for the duration of the remix.

It says nothing about it being a “limited” thing, at all. So ALL new characters can get the quests. I don’t see the issue, at all.



Because at this point there’s literally no reason not to keep it as a bonus for characters hitting the appropriate level milestones. It doesn’t hurt, and it’s something to look forward to as a way to help fresh 70s gear up past the first extra level or two. Including players who weren’t here at the start.

Even though bronze is a lot more plentiful with more recent buffs, this is still a nice chunk to receive.

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You can no longer do frog farming, so you no longer can take advantage, meaning you get no reward

Ok, split hairs, that’s fine. Still a none issue.


Just gotta use you head a little lol… why would you get reward if you didnt do anything

Characters who did the frog farm didn’t get the benefits. That doesn’t mean new alts are denied to the 40k.

Plus drop the frog farm meme already at this point everyone is a “frogger”

What about new people that started after the frog farm, im sure they get the 40k

And? Why does it matter if the new players today get 40k

It’s irreverent considering the new buff you get that gives twice the bronze

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I feel like you’re trying to make a point but are ignoring that Blizzard intended for leveling alts to be a path to cosmetics when they made the change and even acknowledged it in a blue post.


You can no longer do frog farming, so you no longer can take advantage, meaning everyone gets the reward

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This is 100% correct. Levelling a fresh 70 used to be the fastest way of farming Bronze for cosmetics. Now you can get more doing your daily raids. That’s probably how it should be.

Still, getting 85k Bronze with a few hours effort that comes with a bonus level 70 alt is kind anice too.

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The quest isn’t mandatory, so if you don’t want it, don’t turn talk to the dragon.

The rest of us rather like getting 40K for leveling


Did you read the post or did you go straight to comments ?

Oh no, I read it. Your argument is that since frog farm isn’t a thing any more then the “reward” for not farming them shouldn’t be a thing any more.

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Nice yea, so where in there did you come up that i didnt want the bronze ? I alerady have the bronze, so the new people that didnt actually qualify for the bronze shouldnt get it

You frogged huh?

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