Fourth Attempt (A) on Dalaran Server LF a guild to partnership with for Mythic EP

Since recruiting isnt happening like we’d like, I’d like to propose a partnership with any guilds out there that may be in in the same boat. Its that time in the expansion were some guilds are taking a break.

We are 5-6 people short of fielding a full team for Mythic EP. We are very capable just we spend so much of our raid time filling and then we cannot get pugs to commit to the 2nd raiding night. If your guild has several members looking to remain active and would like to partner for Mythic Raiding PST. Our Raid times are Tues/Thurs 8-11pm ET w/ a fun Heroic run on Sundays starting @ 8pm ET.

add ultimate#1138 or MeanGreen#1913 for questions!