Found the origins of Faerin Lothar

I’m putting it in spoilers but think I finally found out why she is related to Anduin Lothar

Putting it in spoilers if you do not wish to look said info

Faerin Lothar was created to most likely be Anduin Lothar’s sister. The reason why that Blizzard canonized the Warcraft movie lore.

In the warcraft movie, Taria Wynn is the wife of King Lane Wynn, Varians dad, Anduin Wynn’s grandfather. Taria Wynn is a black lady from the Warcraft movie. With proof there is a prequel book of the movie called Bonds of Brotherhood

You also see Queen Taria in this comic book as the videos image.

In the movie she is also a black lady:

You can see Anduin Lothar next to her before he gives a speech.

Now, per Warcraft Chronicles volume 2:

Page 136 states this:

That was when Lothar and Khadgar returned from Karazhan. They saw the chaos, and when they learned the king was dead, Lothar took command of the remaining forces. There was nothing left to be done for his city. He could only save as many of its people as he could.

Lothar ordered a mass evacuation of the city. He, Khadgar, Gavinrad, and the remaining soldiers gathered Prince Varian and his mother, Queen Taria, along with any other citizens they could find. They fought street by street to Stormwind’s harbor, losing many on the way. Among the casualties was Taria. When Lothar and the other survivors finally reached the docks, before they set sail, they destroyed nearly all of the city’s remaining boats so that the Horde could not follow.

Stormwind City burned to the ground behind the refugees. The First War was over. The Horde stood victorious. But its warchief was anything but happy.

This being added in Warcraft Chronicles volume 2, this made Taria’s character from the Warcraft movie canon.


TL;DR: Faerin Lothar exists because Blizzard canonized Taria Lothar from the movie. Taria is a sister of Anduin Lothar regardless of a different race. Which gave prompt of how Faerin Lothar came to existence.

Blizzard will most likely have Faerin Lothar and Anduin Wrynn have some family relationship catch up throughout the expansion as Faerin Lothar is Anduins great aunt by lore.


Your title is misleading because you’re speculating and your speculation makes no sense.

First if they’re going to make Lothar’s sister canon, as far as we know she’s only had one child: Varian.

Second, she died in Stormwind, not some hole in the ground with a big crystal.

And third:

If you’re implying here that she’s Taria’s other child, she wouldn’t be a Lothar, she would be a Wrynn and being Anduin’s sister not great aunt.

Edit: I mean Varian’s sister. I got my names mixed up.


You misspelled Wrynn too many times.

Why does Faerin has elven ears if she’s the canonized daughter of a Lothar from the Warcraft movie?


??? She’s Anduin Lothar’s sister most likely. I didn’t say sister of varian??

They canonized Taria Wynn/Lothar it because warcraft chronicles 2 book

In the freaking movie Anduin Lothar said to Taria “but you are my sister first”

Re watch the movie it’s literally like 20-30 minutes in the movie when they travel to goldshire

They most likely made Faerin sisters to Taria Wynn/Lothar and brother to Anduin Lothar

My theory is Faerin is a great aunt to Anduin wynn

What? I have no idea what you’re saying here.


I never denied Taria wasn’t Lothar’s sister. What are you going on about?

And this is what makes no sense.

Lothar is known as the last of his line. They restated that lore just recently. Like, a day ago.

They’re not going to say that then pull a surprise sister out of their nether regions.


They pulled Calia Menethil out of the blue in the legion priest class hall when she was supposedly dead from Lordeaon’s fall per WC3

You don’t think this is whats happening too?

Also, Faerin Lothar can’t be Anduin Lothar’s daughter as in the movie, his wife Cally Lothar, died giving birth to his son. Who also died in the movie.

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What? We’ve always known about Calia. I don’t get this comparison.

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Before we go any further. Can I see a citation on this?

I have only seen Blizzard regularly state the opposite.


Really noone thinks it’s weird Faerin has pointy ears?


Page 136 of Warcraft Chronicles volume 2. They canonized Taria Lothar/Wynn from the movie

Before hand there was no mentioning of Taria Wynn

they canonized what :face_with_raised_eyebrow:

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Thats a little different than saying “the movie lore in canon”

That is “this event happened to take place in Chronicles also”.

The movie lore is not canon.


Also the Arathi we’re going to encounter left back during the Human Empire days… not during the First War.

The lady is just a descendant that left with the Arathi back then.


Until it’s revealed for real, I am going to assume the lore behind the pointy ears is that the crystal thing underground has really strong gravity pull that only effects elastic cartilage in people’s ears so the constant pulling causes the points.



Maybe anduin bagged himself a dark skinned high elf.


I did find a passage about one of the descendants of Thoradin was named Faldi (I think) and yeah he broke away from the main group and disappeared.

So he would be related to Lothar, kind of, but really really really REALLY distant cousins and I have no idea why they would be named Lothar. Thoradin’s surname wasn’t Lothar.

Plus, they stated recently these people are not descendants of Thoradin.

Who can blame him? :fire:

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Nah I don’t believe that. Anduin Lothar was married to his job and his country. He reminds me of Ser Barristan.

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I don’t think you’re currently going to find information relating to the Arathi in TWW.

They’re a group that hasn’t been known about until now, its just very easily possible that a member of the Lothar line went with them, may even have been their leader, and was forgotten to time. Or possibly this Lothar ancestor of the lady was exiled with them and stricken from the records.

Who knows so far?