Found a goldilock guild.. how to leave my current guild?

Only up sides.

Leeeeeeeeroy Jenkins!!!

Tell them that. They should have gratitude to you too, because you helped them. You’ve already made the choice. If you don’t act on it, your gratitude will turn to resentment. I’m sure if you just tell them honestly how you feel, it won’t be that big of a deal. Things change.


Well if you have a spot secured in the new guild simply let your current guildies know you are very much gratefull give proper thanks and say goodbye, dont drag it out just rip the bandaid and gquit.

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Do people not get that this is a joke thread?



10 chars

/gquit if your afraid of the embarrassment of making a boo boo and seeing it appear in gchat just open the guild page and right click your self then leave.

This must be a
classic guild? All this talk about MC mechanics leads me to believe it would have to be, right?

But if that’s the case
classic is hard enough that it needs to be taken seriously? Something ain’t adding up.

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And what if my name is not Jack, Stan, Gus or Lee?

if you prefer to be with the sweats, then join them.
some people play games for fun, others to feel better then others because they lack something in there lives.

Ummm umm 
 “go take a bath Korrath?”

Wait i got it!!

“Take another path Korrath!”

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Just leave, you are not helping anyone by staying. Go be with the “dream” guild. Don’t stay because it will just eat you up that people are having fun and not taking it “seriously”.

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it seems the guild isnt for you, and honestly, i dont see ANY guild being for you, since you seem allergic to fun.

Maybe that’s what they are saying they want

Try the new one and if you don’t like it, go back to the old one. Its not a marriage.

You could always ask the new one to just join their discord for a couple weeks for a vibe check.

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Jack, Stan, Gus and Lee are labels and remember, “All constants are variables” - Alfred North Whitehead.

Gear earned is a reward for services rendered you owe no one anything go have fun!

At the end of the day, you are the one paying your sub. If your current guild isn’t living up to your expectations, you are not bound to stay with them.

Explain to your old guild why you want to leave and if they get mad, oh well.

Staying someplace where you aren’t happy is going to lead to eventual burnout and may even lead to you quitting the game sooner than later.

/guild It is not you. It is me.

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Ran a casual classic guild for a while. Honestly, the thing that broke it up was people who took it more seriously than leadership. I didn’t begrudge anyone for why it ended up falling apart. I trust that everyone found their way into the guild that actually fit them. I wish we could all find our place in this great big World of Warcraft of ours.

It’s likely that your guid leadership already knows or can sense your feelings about how you want to play the game. No guild leadership team that’s focused on the more social aspects of the game is going to begrudge you for wanting to play the game how you want to play it. Just frame your exit with grace for the things you got out of the relationship and well wishes for everyone before you /gquit. If you do that, only the petty could get angry with you for finding your joy.