Found a goldilock guild.. how to leave my current guild?

So my current guild is decent, the raiders are mostly skilled (80-90 parsers) and the raid leader/tank knows his stuff.

On the downside there is a lot of talking and joking in disc during raid which is annoying and very few take it as seriously as me. For example if someone gets MCd they would almost certainly be killed by their fellow raiders and then they’d all laugh like it’s the first time it’s ever happened even though it literally happens every raid

They also mostly raid log and during non raid days I often find myself alone.

That said, my character is rocking full bis and a feel a great debt of gratitude to my guild mates and the guild leader for all the gear they helped me acquire.

Now here is the issue. I couldn’t make this week’s raid due to work and I found myself having to pug it. I managed to get invited into another guild’s alt run and wow… my mind was blown.

The raid leader was strong and no one messed around. No one talked beside him. He would call every mechanic and would say things like “this mob is gonna MC someone, if you kill them you’re loot banned for the rest of the raid so don’t you do it”

And guess what, I was MCd and to my surprise no one killed me. This alt run was so good they managed to clear the raid faster than my own guild’s main raid and we only had 1 or 2 deaths.

The guild is also a behemoth filled with active players. The guild leader and his officers all have multiple alts and every day there are sign ups to join various raids and dungeons.

So now I’m torn. Loyalty to people who log on for 3 hours a week who have geared me up and who depend on me to be there

Or true happiness in the perfect guild…


Who’s paying your sub? You.

I would leave the guild to join the new one to be honest.


There’s no such thing as “the perfect guild” so if that’s what you are looking for, don’t.

But if you are asking this in good faith, then your old guild sounds like it is too casual, fun, easygoing sort of mentality for you to want to play with them. Sounds like you’d rather have more of a no-nonsense type of guild so… Apply to guilds like that.

Ain’t more complicated than that.


The grass is not greener


There is no such thing as “loyalty,” Just don’t burn any bridges on your way out. Tell them you’re leaving and go.

I personally prefer everybody having a good time to strict no-nonsense…especially if everybody is having a good time and parsing 80s and 90s like you said


You are willing to drop them so fast after everything they have done for you?


Leave your current guild with your main but keep alts in there to stay in touch if you want to do that. Keep in mind that you spent one raid with this new guild. It’s early days to assume that you’ll enjoy it long-term, but it’s worth checking out b/c the right guild makes all the difference.

If you have long-time relationships in the current guild, it will be nice to log in on alts and chat with them/run dungeons, etc.

Tell them the truth, be polite about it (no need to tell them their deficiencies…just that you found a guild with a raid that works better for you).

That should be drama-free. The right guild that feels good and has people in it you enjoy doesn’t come along very often. Go, go, go. And enjoy.


Hmm. I remember having much more fun in my WotLK classic guild - which included killing someone who was MC’d (unless it was a serious progression run) and the obligatory ret paladin who dies in two seconds every trash pull - than any remotely “serious” guild I’ve ever been in.

Might have something to do with the fact we considered each other friends rather than differently coloured nameplates. “Kill an MC’d person and you’re loot banned for the rest of the run” sounds like loser wannabe top 1% behaviour.


This is basically what happened to me in Classic.

I left the “fun” guild, and went to the giga-sweatlord nax speed clear guilds… The ones that wont even consider inviting you as Alliance unless you’re booned with MC cap rend + full WBs + flask + full consumes + MRP on every single fight.

My clear times per Naxx went from 1hr 50mins to 1hr 20mins and I absolutely hated every second of it. Any mistake was treated as the apocalypse. Something happens, and you wipe? They’d literally just call the raid, or stop raiding to go re-obtain WBs.

It became a multi-hour long endeavor every week to farm full consumes, full WBs, flasks, and make sure everything was booned/ready to go. I found myself spending upwards of 6-7 hours a week prepping… To clear a raid in a “serious” environment roughly 30mins faster than my other guild that goofed around and made dumb jokes…

The grass isn’t always greener. The military “super serious” vibe gets old really fast, and giga-zerg guilds you become a face in the crowd very quickly… If you aren’t a part of a clique, and aren’t a valuable M+ class, you’ll still be mostly pugging.

Do a few raids with them on other characters. See if the environment is something you want long-term to swap to. If not, find an environment that is what you’re looking for. Either way, you don’t owe a guild anything. Items are earned via your participation, regardless of where you’ve received them.

Also, 100% agree with loot banning people nuking down MC’s on bosses. There’s a difference in “for teh lulz” and “actively making someone else’s gaming experience worse”.


On a serious progression attempt, sure. But I’d opt for kicking them from raid and letting the numbers scale down.* If someone told me I wasn’t eligible for loot yet expected me to stay and work for it anyway, I’d be leaving that group AND guild in a heartbeat.

*I know mythic raids don’t scale down but in that case you’ll just have to replace the person. Because again, no one in their right mind is going to stay behind if they’re loot-banned.

I’d just be honest with them. Tell them your thankful for everything and let them know that you’ve found a guild that really clicks with what you’re looking for in the game. If you want, offer to stay in touch or help fill their raid groups if time allows and they don’t have enough people.

All up to you.


This feels like a fake reddit post. You clearly have some sort of connection to you current guild else you would have left them already.

If you’re asking us to help you choose sweaty elites over good nature folks you maybe consider friends, don’t. That’s your mistake choice to make.


“Thanks for everything, hope to see you guys around”.

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Sooo you just want to hard core it and not actually have fun. The guild youre already in sounds like fun. The other sounds like work. To each their own. Just /gquit


Your current guild might not really care if you leave; you are just one among many.

Found a goldilock guild… how to leave my current guild?

Leaving a guild would be like leaving a lover. And in fact, there are 15 ways you can do that. Here are a few of them:

“You just slip out the back, Jack
Make a new plan, Stan
You don’t need to be coy, Roy
Just get yourself free
Hop on the bus, Gus
You don’t need to discuss much
Just drop off the key, Lee
And get yourself free” - Paul Simon


I mean, if you’re not attached to the current guild beyond the fact that you got geared with them, honestly, leave.

That said, god, like 60% of the fun of raiding is joking around with the team. It can’t be excessive during fights, but dead silence would make me lose any interest (at least if that extends to farm bosses).


everyone parsing ~90 in mythic might be hard to find elsewhere. that’s pretty golden.

i can parse 90 in heroic, not quite there for mythic lol

if youre at the point where youre posting things like this, just do it. follow your heart.

Ultimately, you play the game for you. You don’t owe your guild, nor do they have control over what you wish to do.

Personally, your current guild sound like pretty fun folks, but you seem to want a guild that’s more serious and laser focused on progression which is perfectly fine. You do what you think will be more fun for you. You aren’t paying $15 a month for someone to control how you wish to play.

Folks in your old guild may feel hurt or want nothing to do with you after your departure, especially if it’s sudden, so if you feel the need take the time to chat with everyone beforehand, thanking them for their time and help getting you geared up, and move on to the greener pastures you desire.


Not to be a Debbie Downer, but I read your post twice and didn’t see any indication your main would get a ginvite and raid invite for a non alt run. You sure you’d be in the main raid team if you drop what sounds like a good time if a bit slapstick guild?