Found a goldilock guild.. how to leave my current guild?

Well don’t keep me in suspense, what’s the name of the new guild?!?

so op you going to throw away a “fun guild” that don’t take stuff serious to a guild that might use you only once and replace you when a new member shows up?

i say stick with the fun guild.


You tell your current GM that you found a guild you like more, and then you leave.

It’s a game man, and it’s your $15.

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You gotta do what makes you happy and if that means /Gquit and the middle finger, then go for it. or if there’s a sad goodbye in your future, hug it out. But you gotta do what’s best for you. You can’t be sticking around loyal when everything else is just not going your way.

probably the best option here, provided the current guild is cool with that, and from what I can tell, they wouldn’t have an issue with it.

you can sweatlord it with the awesome no nonsense raid guild, and then when you feel like relaxing and goofing off, you can link up with the cool laid back guild.

It’s called “Ye Olde Skid Marks.”


It’s a red flag to me when an OP creates a thread like this and doesn’t engage with it at all.

But anyway, as far as I’m concerned, the first guild sounds like the better one.


I agree, but the way to not burn bridges is to not have it be or appear to be personal, so I’d use a bit more finesse.

OP - what I would do is get in the new guild’s discord and see if they really mesh with your personality/gaming style. If they end up being a better fit, then you can honestly say to the old guild (preferably as a whisper to the lead or one of the officers) something like “my friend in another guild wants me to join up with them, and their raiding fits my schedule a bit better. I really enjoyed playing with you guys and I’ll keep in touch, whisper me if you need me for anything!” Then after waiting for some acknowledgement you /gquit, ideally when there aren’t a lot of people on. Or if you do feel the need to say some form of goodbye in guild chat, just point everyone to whichever officer you whispered if they want details, thank everyone for having played with them, and drop.

You can even ask the officer to leave one of your alts in the guild if you enjoy hanging out with the old guild more casually, while moving your main over to the more serious one.

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Just be polite and professional about it. Unless you leave on bad terms I don’t see why that wouldn’t be the default.

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Sounds like the 1st/current guild does not agree w/your more military style of raiding. (I say military style because my guild we laugh and have fun but once the pull starts, all that stops which is not quite as strict as you are looking for). The 1st/current guild sounds more laid back which is not meshing w/you.

Just thank them and tell them how awesome they were but you are going to leave however you are always around to help them out if available, etc.

As long as you are nice about it, no one should get upset. If they ask you why, do it in private to the GM, be honest but nice and keep personal feelings out of it.

That used to happen in vanilla where you’d feel in debt to your guild helping you gear only to leave them, I know I used to feel that way until someone else pointed out that they are not paying your sub, you are. I assume you were just being “funnny” but it made me think of how I used to feel with my vanilla guild when we actually did things. I would still group with them though even after I left so they considered me a good chaddy daddy.

Our WoTLK classic guild did same… [Name of Person] would get MC’d, the raid leader would say please don’t kill them, which we all heard, nuke them and we did.
It was fun, we all enjoy ourselves, but we were also serious about raid and progressing.

You can do both but not everyone likes to.

the more strict and hardcore the guild the less overall friendly it generally becomes. thats why im in two guilds lol.

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If you’re not having fun - either talk to the RL / current guild to figure out if a solution could be made. Or just /gquit and don’t look back.

I play this game to have fun - I’m going to have fun. If I’m not having fun due to something I can control / change - I’m going to change it.

I think you just type /gquit. Maybe message their GM if you really bonded with them.

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Its a video game, its not that big of a deal. You are putting wayyyyy too much thought into this. Do what you want. Simple.

type in /gquit
but seriously this like when people ask how do i quit my job. You just quit. This is easier it is just a game.

Also no guild is perfect. It sounds like the new guild is more of what you want out of a guild though. If you feel the old guild would miss you just reach out to important to you members and thank them. Other wise you will leave and someone will fill your role, it is a video game, not taken too seriously. Their will be no hurt feelings and no offense in a few months it will be like who?!

Maaan i wouldnt trade my “Land of misfit toys” guild for anything. But we have lost people to the sweaties. Many try to come back because those sweaty guilds implode after an expansion. And here we scrubs are… like cockroaches that will never go extinct… for 16 years now


true on this get in the guild and be used only once or be put to the bench raid group

I did that not too long ago and the raid leader in my old guild got mad when I went to swap mains cause I knew they wouldnt let me play the spec I wanted to play this expansion and kicked all my alts… Some guilds care and some dont.