Forum Trust System

The OP is, for sure


I dont really care enough about anything currently happening in WoW to make an effort toward reaching level 3. Either it will happen or it wont.

I’m not even entirely sure what my current trust level is. Is there a way to check?


There is. Gimme a minute I’ll find the checker. There’s actually like 2 ways you can check but someone made a neat little tool for it.

Edit: think it’s in this.

I did at first. But then I had to start over on this character, enough said about that. The post count on the old forum were account wide.

hmmmmm, for as far as I can see it tells me I’m trust lvl2, but
New Forum Guide - Syntax and Features
shows that making your post a wiki requires level 3.
Is this outdated or am I stupid?

My only complaint of the system is if you transfer/faction swap/etc., your trust level resets. I would think that a trust system should be bound to the account and not the character, or else it defeats the purpose of a trust system.


Ah, interesting. Looks like I’m Trust Level 2.

Wow I didn’t know this. This is the dumbest thing in the world. As if being on the forum more = being a better poster. I see people who post nonstop tend to be the most toxic/annoying ones in here

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:cry: :cry: :cry:


You must kiss the pinky ring to participate fully. Its the way things are done now.

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The forum software is Discourse. It’s not created by Blizzard - it’s licensed by them. While Blizzard can make some modifications, it is Discourse that decided the Trust Levels and rules:

Posting a link is not necessary to participate fully. Every word you want to say can be posted (though ToU violations are still ToU violations). Links to specific sites like youtube and wowhead, which are considered trusted (don’t ask ME why), can be posted even at Trust Level 1. Posting a link to any other site just means making it Preformatted text (use the </> symbot with the link highlighted.) People can’t click-through, but they can copy and follow.

It’s neither. The :pencil2: shows up even at Trust Level 2, but it still took Trust Level 3 to actually use it. (It doesn’t do all that much - just opens your post to editing by other players. That’s most useful for things like guides where a player leaving means a sticky thread stops being updated. As a wiki, now multiple people can update. TL3 means ideally no one will deliberately “hack” it or butcher the information.)


Its a free forum. No sub required.

Wow. There are lists that show you all the players at specific trust level ranks? That’s interesting.

Plus 1 for unexpected Sterling Holloway

I got permabanned from the forums way back in 2012 for things said in a server war, apparently that counts towards my trust level today so I’m just screwed from the start. :confused: No gifs for me because of the crimes I committed as a teen in a literal war lol. IS THIS HOW YOU TREAT YOUR VETERANS BLIZZ?

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Permabanned and still here?
Literal war in a virtual environment?
Banned and still a veteran?

So many contradictions.


I’m pretty certain that all reset. The requirements for TL3 are pretty high. You need to have read 500 unique topics and 20,000 posts. You got a ways to go! :stuck_out_tongue:

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Skullcrusher was a strange place and had a lot of crazy wars that spanned over 8 years and ended in guilds the losing guilds disbanding over them. As for the perma part of the perma ban, I was able to repeal my ban after sending in a ticket every year all the way up to 2015 or 2016 (I don’t remember but it was near Christmas and I was so happy.)