Ummmm… It isn’t that roomy under here ya know?
Patrick? Patrick Star is that you?
Edit. And apparently you can lose it too. Trust me there was a cool. Gif there haha
Must read more posts
Welcome to Trust level 3.
Dunno if this has been said. I am Level 3 on Thundertotem here, if I were to switch toons on the forums, would I need to relevel again?
Yes. Unfortunately, each character has its own history and trust level. It is something we’d are looking into changing, but for now that is the functionality.
Ah okay! Thanks Vrakthris
I was wrong. I am 2 and never been 3. Just the site I linked was a trusted linkable site haha.
I hots some reading to do.
This does have the amusing side effect of having (too) many Likes to give. =)
Inb4 “Forum reputation should be account-wide.”
Thank ye :3 Finally got to update my story archive with new links to the stories and character art.