Forum Trust related question

Is there any way to see if we can even achieve trust level 3? I get mixed responses every time I ask. Do forum bans before the migration count against it? Cuz I wish I fought harder against my hate bans if that was the case.

2015 I got banned for letting the forums censor my big bad word for poop instead of just using the word poop. My mistake, I shrugged it off though I wasn’t being totally inane and vulgar.

As soon as that ban was over, I got a second ban. This one was red flag city that I had ticked someone off because they dug up an over a year old post where I did the same thing and reported me for it. Asinine as it was, I got that ban overturned.

In game I’ve only ever been banned when my account got hacked (selling gold I guess). Got that overturned when I reclaimed my account. 2010-2011 I think.

Otherwise, I’ve never been banned :frowning:

I just hit the trust 3 milestones at 2345 eastern so I thought maybe it just didn’t update yet, but my alts updated to trust 1 pretty quickly.

Maybe my posts or threads viewed were over 100 days ago? I’ll keep working on it but I was really hoping to be able to post images in the RP thread I was making.

I read another thread where another poster had a similar thing with their Trust Level 3 and they were told that it would go into effect at the start of their 51st day and the player reported the next day that it indeed had and that Level 3 was in effect for them.

So I would check back tomorrow and see if that’s the case for you as well.

Good Luck & Happy Travels!

I am already at 51 days, though. Figured I would keep trying until I got a yay or neigh from blizzard that isn’t as vague as what I got when I asked in November. I’ve gotten a “we don’t know yet, system may change, always looking to improve” and “well prior bans shouldn’t impact the new forums.” But has hours tick by and I keep building my profile, with no trust 3 yet, I feel like that is not the case.

Easiest way to check if you’re TL3 is if you can post a random link or post GIFs. If it throws an error, you’re under TL3.

As for the hold up, I’m not sure. As Spockenstein mentioned, a few were caught up where we had to wait until day 51 to get promoted which I know included myself and another user. You’re at 51 so I’m not sure what it could be beyond prior forum offenses.
If it’s not that I’d speculate the system viewed some of the posts/threads as being too old to count but even then I’m not sure due to the thread migrations.

I’m not sure if you can ticket in to inquire about this honestly. Maybe Kalv, Vrak, or Orlyia can chime in next time they’re on.

As a short term fix for your RP thread, maybe you can link the images using the Preformatted Text (</>) button, or use a single ``` mark in front of and behind the link. It’ll let you post that link so users can still see what you intended to have there. :slight_smile: (I had to add extras to stop it converting them.)
It looks like this.

This should answer your question about old forum suspensions that don’t count against you; The way I’m reading it is so long as you were not suspended during the transition to the new forums or thereafter you will not have anything against you. See link below:


Thank you all for the quick responses. I’ll continue to read some more recent posts and what have you for some numbers incase that is why. My normal playgrounds in the World’s End Tavern don’t generate the kinds of number they want for trust three so I’ve had to branch out quite a bit to find enough to get there.

I’ll keep working towards it and hopefully one of the pretty blues will have time to chime in with their own theories as well. Or maybe facts :smiley:

As for checking my trust level, I have been both testing with images as well as checking my .json page.

One of my friends is gearing up to do an illustration based RP thread, a bit more than just a “here is a picture of the scene I imagine.” So she’ll be aiming for trust 3 soon too, so my experiences will help us both understand the system better.

Glad to help! Have a good evening or day wherever you are in the world!

If your forum privileges were under suspension at the time the new forums went live, or if they’ve been suspended since then, that would impact your trust level. Any suspensions or penalties that had already been served out on the old forums would not.

Bear in mind that any future penalties will also negatively impact your trust level, so hopefully you’ve learned from past mistakes.

That all being said, I fail to understand why everyone is so wound up over forum trust levels. So far, most of the people that appear too eager for trust level 3 are exactly the sort of posters that won’t hold onto it very long.


Because we post links to commissioned artwork of our characters to enhance our written descriptions or to the doc files of our stories. We post an in game screen shots of the area we had in mind for a story. There are workarounds of course but a lot of us have been excited for in post images.

That is all really. Trust 2 can make wiki posts so that is great for our guide making.

I’ve not been banned since 2015. Obviously I broke a rule swearing a few posts in the past (nowhere near the level of swearing I’ve seen others do without getting forum vacations), and I had made some enemies as the RP community then was divided. I’ve now solidified myself within our World’s End Community over the last… 8ish years so I don’t get randomly reported by the people that don’t agree with my open minded RP stance anymore. I’ve also wised up to the dark hearts of my enemies anyway.

I gave them an opportunity to get back at me back then by swearing in playful banter between me and a friend. I’ve not ever made that mistake again. When I wish for stronger language, I make up words. They mean the same thing to me, but no one else. Staying true to my characters I write without giving my enemies ammo to use against me ever again.

So that is the lesson I learned. I’ve not harassed, I’ve not bullied, I’ve not botted, I’ve not done anything illegal. I simply made a mistake that those that didn’t agree with my view points at the time could use against me.

I was under no suspension or silence over the transition. I am at parameters for trust 3. Just unclear why it hasn’t happened. One of my characters has an episodic day journal that is meant to have screen captures to go with each entry that I have been waiting to be able to post and I always wanted to find a picture to better set the stage in the tavern roleplaying thread I made. That’s all. Isn’t really urgent, was just wondering why it hadn’t happened.

Sorry I made a mistake 3 years ago but I will assure you I’ve no intention of losing my shot now. I don’t post much, if anything, in GD for that very reason. In fact, I barely leave our tavern at all.

Just looking at your forum summary, I don’t notice anything obvious that might be holding you up. It could just be a matter of waiting for the database to update. It’s also possible you might have run up against the ‘< 5 spam or offensive flags’ rule.

Do we get a notification that someone flagged one of our posts? Someone was freaking out in our lounge after the migration about her posts being flagged so I assumed you got a notify thingy if someone did. If that is true, then I’ve not received a flag. Probably just the data base or old posts being mixed in my 20k+ tally, old threads in the 500+ tally.

I tend to doubt it; not via email, anyway. I think you’d only be notified if and when you’ve been moderated.

I wouldn’t think so outside of ones that hit enough reports to be spoiler-tagged.

I don’t know if the notification system will alert you though.

One thing I noticed hasn’t been mentioned: you haven’t logged out of the forum and back in. Sometimes important things client side don’t get updated when something server side changed. I know when I dinged TL3 nothing showed up that way until I logged out of the forum and back in.

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A notification will appear in your notification dropdown box if one of your posts was flagged for removal for trolling etc.

I’ve logged out and back in repeatedly. I’ve focused on threads started after the migration now, so I know my last 3-6k posts read are within the last 100 days. Still not it.

Best I can tell you, Kersia, is that you are close, but not yet there. Hopefully soon. :slight_smile:

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Thanks for responding. Yeah as I was looking back at the threads I read over the weekend at work, I noticed a few were from October, one of which had thousands of posts from October.

Reading some of this stuff reminds me why I stay nice and cozy over in our Roleplaying forum XD I’ll get there. Feel a lot better knowing that past me didn’t ruin present and future me’s desires to be a pillar in our writing community. Especially now that one of our biggest resources has left.

Thank you. That triggered mine. Not that I will ever use it, but at least I know it is there =)

So I spent today perusing the forums between working on some school work, and made sure to only read stuff from posts within the start of the year (last 8 days). I’ve now read about 8-9k posts doing that and almost 200 threads, logged out and in, and still haven’t triggered it.

I’m not trying to urgently omg i need it trigger it, but I wish I had a metric to go by to know how much more I need? I can’t use my character summary because it clearly is inaccurate.

I assumed it isn’t triggering because something was from over 100 days ago but is it topics? Is it posts read? I have no idea any more.


  • 52 days visited
  • 1d read time
  • 746 topics viewed
  • 31.4k posts read
  • 113 <3 given
  • 16 topics created
  • 313 posts created
  • 127 <3 received

I’ve not been notified of any posts getting flagged, I’ve not been banned since 2015 way before the migration, I’ve not been banned in game on any Blizzard game.

Do I have to be level 120? Is that some stipulation to gaining it?