Forum Thread Necroing

I’ve been seeing threads being necroed from a year or more ago, my question is what is considered to be a forum actionable necro if it’s against CoC?

People have been saying it’s ok to necro threads as long as it’s on topic and the revival does not go against CoC. So, if I necro a thread a year or two from now will I be in trouble?

Your question contains it’s own answer, in that if it is against the CoC, such as trolling or harrassment, the it may be actioned upon.

Does the post itself contain information that might be as relevant now as it was when originally posted.

Does it help, or simply say “Me too”.

Is it relevant to the forum it’s in.

Suffice it to say, if a post is over 2 weeks old it might be time to open a new thread.

Usually the thread is locked or deleted if a mod finds it does not fit to the game currently. I’ve seen posts commented on by support agents that were brought back from the deep with no issues. But if you find it is old, create a new thread is fine. Even referencing the original is also fine.


The reason that it is suggested to not bring back a thread older than a couple weeks in Customer Support is that what caused the original issue has likely been patched. Although you appear to have the same issue, the cause can be completely different.

You likely will not be actioned for necroing a thread. The only time it might is if you are spam-necroing a bunch of old threads all at once.