Having one unique handle is fine… but would flags and votes be “1 per post, per account”?
If not, then seems pretty pointless
Sockpuppets are fairly harmless outside of people cycling thru alts to mass-flag posts, or “vote” multiple times with said roster of alts. If the ability to cast fraudulent votes and mass-flag posts (that a sockpuppet merely disagrees with) was taken away it would improve the forums experience
Of course. One handle means one posting account per bnet account. You can’t alt-hop with that when theres no alts to hop to.
Except I’m not.
Character name with Btag underneath. No one cares about whatever nonsense you’re claiming.
I would like a single handle per account - don’t care if it’s btag or not - and just being able to cycle through my characters depending on who I want as my avatar that day
Hmm. I like that and also HelloIAmAGnome and GnomesRockTheyAreMetamorphic and GnomeCostcoSampleLady and LittleGnomeBigAnger
Blizz has a way of noticing when people do that very quickly.
That two btags with the same prefix show up the same on the forums? That’s not nonsense because that’s exactly how it works on the Diablo forums.
Feel free to point out the particular part of this you call “nonsense.”
What about Dan-the-Man-Handle. A play on words, if you will.
ANYTHING to stop the sockpuppeting works for me. This is the my only forum toon.
If it gets taken, you can also do TheDanMan and MaleDan
Also I should stop sharing my awesome ideas here, someone’s going to steal EggSaladGnomeGenW before I get to it. (rofl)
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Please tell me you’re gonna take StabbyRita
Maybe Blizz would let you use that gif that Pharazon made.
Especially with the likes/upvoting, that stuff is so annoying. Just have the courage to post on your main account/toon lol.
I love those gifs. In fact I can’t even post gifs on the forum because I keep telling people who are rude to kind new players asking innocent questions to shove something up their butt. And I’d do it again!
Maybe I’ll go with Nui’s formal name QueenRitaGorditaLemonLarouxWrynn
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and you’re sidestepping that their other forums use btags.
I have seen people forced to change toons to stop being seriously harrassed - despite them multiply reporting said harassment player/players. Tĥey reallly were given no choice. But once you change thats all you get - no pretending. (Like that can be enforced )
Gallows is my handle.
I guess we could spice it up a bit. Gallows, Tusks and Gorehowl included.
But that’s real long for a handle.
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No, they’re half stepping! From the aptly named “Too hot to HANDLE” album: