Forum revamp

I got this far, then I ran out of tinfoil.


Also, those threads always devolve into hostility quickly. At least in my experience.

Always weird when people are surprised the company whos objective is to make money does stuff to make money

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Apparently OCE don’t get a say about sub prices going up either.

Though I’m sure they’ll let their dissatisfaction be known.

Your dollar is worthless its not Blizzards fault thats on your government bud

Ah yes because that’s a good sign of business.

Pricing out people who keep your lights on.

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Not saying you’re wrong, so please don’t misconstrue what I say. They want to make money more than putting money back in to improve player experience and public image.

That’s why I give props to companies that focus more on player experience and making good games over trying to nickel and dime players.

Aussies/NZ players are not the ones keeping the lights on :rofl:

Sadly there aren’t many gaming companies that are like this anymore. If you’re looking for it, time to go to the (real) Indie developers.

CDPR, Nintendo, Santa Monica Studios, Guerilla, Sucker Punch are some examples. Bethesda used to be…

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And those are an endangered species now.

Why would they have a say in the sub prices going up? They can either continue to be customers or opt not to be. I thought that was pretty normal for any company.

OCE are on a different currency and they do adjust prices in different Regions based on the currency values changing in comparison to the US dollar.

Also, what did the OCE price have to do with my post on Blizz not allowing personal attacks on staff? I don’t get why you replied to that one, or did the forums glitch?

Have enjoyed God of War since its first, but seeing them put so much love into 2018, Ragnarok and even a FREE DLC was amazing in the current gaming market.

Most would push those out in a hurried, buggy mess.

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Unfortunately, when you don’t pay enough to keep the proverbial “lights” on, then it’s actually not helpful.

As someone from Canada who used to pay less than Americans (as our dollar was once stronger than the USD), I fully understand that the company is looking to keep things in-line with currency conversions.

Most adults understand such conversions and can see why this happens. Currently, it costs more in CND funds to pay for a sub than USD…that’s how the world works.

For fun, try figuring out how much people would actually be paying if Blizzard chose to keep their monthly fee in-line with inflation over the past 2 decades :wink:

Its their money.

Would you rather they just all unsub?

It seems like the only language they will understand.

Now if only nintendo knew what sales were, or ports at reasonable prices

Sure the games are good, but do I really wanna pay 80$ for a Wii U game port?

Exactly. They focused on an amazing game, gave free DLC when they could have easily charged for it and people would have gladly paid.

That’s a good game company.

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What game was $80? I do get what you’re saying overall.

Mario RPG, Paper Mario, Mario 3D all stars.

I see a pattern…

Almost like someone thought that respecting their customers time and money with an amazing product would make even more money in the long run… weird.

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I don’t know how you think this works.

“Hey we’re gonna raise your sub cost, you guys cool with that or nah?”

“Uh, nah?”

“Oh okay good thing we checked, we’ll lower it instead”