Nah, I like the part of being able as posting as your characters
Sometimes people like to do RP stuff, or just to show off transmog, or other neato things they’ve done with a specific character
Nah, I like the part of being able as posting as your characters
Sometimes people like to do RP stuff, or just to show off transmog, or other neato things they’ve done with a specific character
How dare you
It’s definitely not a wrong side
So is this whole thing a demonstration how why the forums needs an update lol
No, it shows that no matter what Blizzard does players will find way to fight among one another.
This and most of the other threads in GD I’ve been reading.
I still want my avatar though. The forums have an avatar function that Blizzard can populate like they are now. They use our armory. I just want the “switch character” function to only apply to the avatar so folks can have the character pic they want and show off cool mogs.
It IS a pretty good avatar.
Yea thats true, there have been some uh
“Events” lately in the forums
RealID is still, to date, the absolute worst thing Blizzard has ever done. (To players, at least.)
I’m done for now. Until he starts calling people out again or strongarming people to try to force them to leave.
I’d like a revamp on moderators.
Removing posts flagged as “trolling” because they’re criticizing the laziness of the current development cycle (not trying anything new, repeating the same formula every single patch) seems a tad unfair.
It was how confident and smug they were about how good of an idea it was and absolutely safe
When almost everything was like “Bruh not a safe idea”
And then, it was indeed not a safe idea
I am out of likes!
That is now on my list to fix. I get limiting flags so people think before using it and only use it when needed. I don’t get limiting the love though!
You can have one of mine!
I also find it kinda funny that the concern is for forum improvments when something like OCE price raising is just totally ignored.
Like…shouldn’t that be a warning sign to everyone that Blizzard priorities and objectives are completely devoid of empathy?
Calling the Devs lazy is where someone crossed the line most likely. That is an opinion that targets the Devs personally and implies that any fault the person finds with the expansion is due to the Devs being lazy…
It does not take into account the reality of WoW game development which is a lot more complex and takes a whole team.
They don’t allow personal attacks. You can say you don’t care for the expansion. You can say what features you don’t like and why. You can’t make personal attacks on people or groups.
It’s a corporation, I refuse to believe their objectives ever contained a shred of empathy.
It seems like a lot of people must have used (firstnamelastnamessn) as theirs the way they’re worried about it.