Forum revamp

I would love some form of forum revamp to try and make it a valuable tool for feedback and infomation then whatever it is now.
Some ideas could be
Account wide ignore, bnet tags vs level 10 alts and or charecters, report rework, karma system ( if you make bad reports your reports become less valuable)
Any other ideas to improve the forums?
(Please keep it positive)
Edit: my post got flagged down twice and restored this is why i want a forum revamp.
Reedit: make that 3 times wow O.o


Maybe change the banner to the current expansion


Account-wide ignore and BNet tags instead of characters would instantly make this forum 2000% better.

The only people who disagree are people who troll behind forum alts.

AFAIK literally every other Blizzard forum runs off of BNet tags.

This too :joy::joy::joy:


Why? So that the same half dozen people who live here can stroke each other’s ego even harder?


Yea thats how i leaened wow stopped using the forums which sucks because allot of good ideas get flooded by the spam posts or mass reported into the void

Not like reddit karma as it if i make bad reports my report begins to hold less value and vice versa that kind of karma


This makes sense! Sorry for the misunderstanding.

Yeah, I’d like the option to hide all inline images by default.

Let us rearrange/hide the forum sections like wowhead does with its news. I don’t need to see 20 recruitment forums taking up half the page.

Update the damn banner like others suggest.

Need new Banner for current expansion and brighten up the whole site…dang tried of dark dull site they have had up for many years now…


Account wide trust level. Would love to be able to post gifs on my evoker thats also a vampire. Lol


Oh I suspect, new forum software is on the way eventually. Since MS purchased Blizz, they will eventually roll them into their “brand” – just a matter of time - but may not be high on the list.

Vulpera should be quarantined in a special subforum, out of public view.

This would increase the public’s perception of the warcraft brand and provide excellent value to shareholders.

That’s gonna cost you a new BG… oh wait…

Erm… no lets not do that.

But the shareholders!

We are cute and fuzzy. We appeal to furries. They need us around.

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wondering if we have alts posting this same topic in here today.

The forum is just fine as is. You dont need anyones btags in here.


I’d like to do away with the trust system. Blizz is taking our money and to expect us to go through any sort of hoops, just to post pictures and videos, bugs me.


account wide ignores…two way, with no reading the forum when logged out would be great.
Btags NOT required for any of that…

why does this feel like a small army of alts posting these threads? lol

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I think the biggest issue with the WoW forums is just how little it’s used both by the players and the devs

Devs never interact with the community at all

And the players that use it are just a weird echo chamber of like 30 people with 100k posts


I actually still troll on my bnet too so this would technically help but not get rid of the super evil person I am.