Forum Names and the Beta that we hope is real!

Greetings my fellow forum gladiators!
In light of the recent uploading of the Classic Beta to the download network but no access or word from blizz yet.
I’m thinking when we do get this. We should all use our forum name that we are most known by.
Let’s test some stuff together. Give some good solid feed back and hey just for funsies let’s get some duels going to kill each other. Maybe even some wpvp! Well actually a lot of wpvp. Lol.
Then we can come to the forums in true Vanilla fashion and brag about our glorious battles!
I’m actually kind of torn on whether to beta test pve or pvp. I would like to do more than just a few levels or just go nuts in wpvp land.(STV lol) I would like to test some end game stuff as well as get a pvp fix. Lol.
Which makes me wonder to what extent and how long blizz will run it for?
I think some posters here are definitely the ones to put this puppy through her paces and give blizz good solid feedback.
I’m not worried about burnout. Vanilla has replayability as long as there are good folks to play with. That much I would hope we can all agree on.
Here’s to seeing you all in the beta! :beers:

Thoughts, comments, and safety concerns? Lol.

Edit to add:Credit to Shimy for voicing the idea first and planting the seeds!


Only if you make a beta guild named Guild Bank


Done! I like it!

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Make a macro /ginvite Ristra

Cyber inc, pvp beta server. See you all soon in STV.

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Im concerned if blizzard were to give us any information I might need to buy a new computer because well, mine might get covered in something…

I plan on using this name in beta and, at the very least, having a character named Sabetha in Classic itself.

If I do get into a beta, I’ll probably use that oppourtunity to check out 2 classes in Priest and Shaman while I’m testing things though.

Ectoplasm? Randy Marsh had a problem with that.

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I don’t want guild banks at all but can I join?

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I also don’t want guild banks, but the name seems fitting for a guild in the beta for forum posters.

It, alongside Ret Paladins, is probably the most posted about thing.

Beware the name thieves. It would be oh so easy to troll in the Beta when someone thinks they’re interacting with Lethie here, and instead it’s some rando who deliberately picked Eilethalua to cause trouble.

If I actually somehow get Beta access …

I’ll probably do a bunch of characters, maybe mimicking the ones I played early in Vanilla, maybe sampling the orc warlock I plan for when it is Released.

If not (which given my years of WOW and zero Beta access I consider more likely) … I’ll watch from afar. :broken_heart:

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Ofc. The more the merrier. Just for fun. No hard feelings about anyone’s views about anything. Just testing the game and having fun doing so.

Edit spelling, grammar, and to add: Also to provide solid feedback on the testing performed.<<<<big part of it


Sorry no. I will not being using a modern wow name for something so holy.

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Credit to shiny for writing the idea first! I’ll edit OP.

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Mini-Orc Hunter

Lol. Please don’t be a Legolas

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I believe the correct naming is xXlegolasXx.

Or if that’s taken, xXlégõlàsXx.


Hell no. I will use my original hunter name for the Beta. And then I will use my current gaming moniker for the live game.