I keep getting posts removed when I complain about the poor drop rate in mythic + dungeons when compared to the difficulty.
my posts are getting marked as trolling, but I feel I should be able to discuss this as it is about the content of the game and does belong. I feel I am being targeted by a player/moderator with way too much power.
The forums are designed to generate player to player discussion - preferably constructive. Posts that intentionally cause arguments, fights, harass/insult others, etc are trolling. Same with posting an “unpopular opinion” just to stir up trouble.
If your post was actually deleted by a moderator then it means it broke the rules. If it was just greyed out and you got an automated forum system message then it means people reported it (possibly falsely) and a Mod will review it.
If your post was just greyed out (people have to click to see it but it is not deleted) then it means players reported it - but that a mod did not remove it or penalize you. Often if it was players abusing the flagging system the mod will un-grey the post and possibly punish the false flaggers.
Players have no power - other than to flag. Mods are held to Blizzard policy.
If you feel a forum punishment (actual suspension), was in error you can appeal that via the link in the email you would have received.
i want further action, why can’t I make topics on the poor design of Mythic + dungeons in Shadowlands, they designed the game to give advantage to top-tier players, players who could finish Mythic + content with only 171 gear. Even after gearing up 199, its still difficult. Why can’t i voice my concerns, Im not trolling, i am genuinely complaining about the game. It’s easier to raid than do M+ dungeons, after reviewing Heroic boss videos, I assume, just as much it will be easier to do Heroic Raid as opposed to Mythic dungeons, seriously because the Heroic Ny’lotha bosses I did last expansion were not that much more difficult than their counterparts in Normal Ny’lotha.
Why can’t I complain, they nerfed Castle Narthia, where are the M+ nerfs; is this reserved content for Mythic Raiders?
I have read some of your posts, they weren’t very constructive. It’s not the fact that you are complaining, it’s how you are doing it. That’s what is getting moderated.
why can’t I register a complaint about the Moderator today? If I speak a bit sexist, and you slap my hand, well ok, I get it, I deserved a week ban maybe. But if I post complaints, and the moderator doesn’t like the content and removes it, I think that is wrong.
You are free to express your opinions - within the bounds of the Code of Conduct which means you need to not make spam topics (if you were), and you need to be constructive.
How you express yourself does matter. Two old sayings come to mind.
“It is not what you say, it is how you say it.”
“There is a time and a place for everything.”
Learning how and when to apply those is helpful. Forums are Blizzard’s domain and you are posting among strangers - who you wish to have a discussion with. Be polite, be constructive, and keep your cool.
Also remember, you can’t FORCE Blizz to do what you want. Sometimes you have to realize you don’t have control of things. Make your comments, but then realize you have done all you can.
I can’t comment as to why you’re having difficulties in M+, but to progress in keys there’s a particular focus on managing mechanics and mob actions.
If you aren’t part of a regular group of people, you may want to look into pulling together some friends to do so. A lot of M+ comes down to practice and learning.
M+ has already been retuned, both from the standpoint of content being simplified, and character classes being rebalanced. This is always a work in progress however.
If your intent is to better understand forum rules, the CS forum allows limited discussion.
Otherwise, all discussion of account penalties is against the forum Code of Conduct.
If you wish to file a complaint then you can do that via the Feedback Survey you get when your appeal ticket is closed. That goes to the Supervisors. The forums are not a means to appeal or to reach Supervisors.
EDIT - I see you replied Hopefully that helps guide you so you can make your feelings clear, but also stay out of hot water. My post here was made before I saw yours saying you had enough info. Ah well, I will leave it in case you need the means to formally reach a supervisor.
199 is very basic geared. Depending on the level of mythic + your doing, your ability to know your class, what abilities and utility it brings, your knowledge of the dungeon and its mechanics, are what will have the big factor. If your finding mythic + difficult id start working on those things because lower geared people who know how to play the game can clear content easily enough, and the highest geared player with no class/content knowledge wont be able to strong arm thru it. The gearing from Mythic + drops 1-2 pieces of loot per run. Thats pretty reasonable tbh. Theres also raids, the vault, world quests, pvp and the auction house as alternative methods of gearing
Edit - looks like your doing 2’s. 2’s are super easy so id say you likely need to work on your class knowledge and mechanics. Trash packs have mobs that need to be cc’d and interupted or soothed and every boss has specific mechanics that will need to be done in order to down them successfully. 200 item level should be fine for really most keys upto 10’s.