Forum Life: How Do You Interact?

A & D. Sometimes when I describe people’s behavior it can come out as insulting, because people who make no sense exasperate and irritate me. It’s boring and futile to try to discuss things with people who have no real argument other than “I don’t like ___” which is most posters on the forums.

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I just want to know how the OP has over 9000 posts when they’ve only been here since last August…

I visit every day. I read through 40 new threads every single day. I respond 2 to 3 times in multiple threads and I start new topics. I made it a goal to get level three and I made it a second goal to keep level three. And then there’s the occasional thread where I jump in with people and start talking and then they want to start fighting. So there are a few threads where I probably have north of 100 posts just in that thread and at least 80 of them happened on the same day.

I mean you’re welcome to look at my activity. My profile is not hidden and you can actually see a summary of everything I do around here and how long I’ve been coming here and how many days out of the last six months I’ve been here.

Maybe log out every now and then. This isn’t healthy.

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turns out I do log out. I sleep nine hours every night. I stream eight hours every day. I also go to the store run errands. Watch a movie with my wife spend time talking on the phone with my kids and their kids. I might spend an hour or two a day on this forum, but that’s my choice. I don’t know why it’s really any of your concern anyway unless this is you trying to pick a fight to see how I’ll respond.

I choose A, C, and D.
I don’t come on to these topics to just insult others.
If there is a flaw in some of these topics i will gladly point it out.

You insult people with high post counts and posting too much.

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Have I done so in this topic?

How is that relevant?

You asked us to look at your activity and history.

I just find it odd to insult others about the same thing you imply is none of someone else’s concern here.



I also stayed on topic and responded to someone what my answers would be. So instead of putting words in my mouth like you passively do for every other response you make, maybe you could read it for yourself before responding about it.

Here. I’ll save you the scroll.

But you love skewing topics and derailing anything.

Look at any “here are some suggestions for m+ tweaks” threads. You sweep in and just say “NAH IT SHOULD BE COMPLETELY DELETED”.

And then the thread gets skewed and derailed.

Here you get annoyed with someone calling out your post count, while you actively call anyone with a larger post count a loser, and insult them. I was pointing out the hypocrisy in your response.


Tell me more about what I love…

I have an opinion. It is a stark contrasting opinion. Not my fault, people lose their precious little minds when I say something completely contrary to the content they love.

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Had nothing to do with the topic. Now had this been a topic about post counts, or I commented in this thread about post counts, I could see it as relevant.

Usually a combination of option C and D.

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Usually D… Something to pass the time.

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When you go into a thread with no desire to participate in the discussion, and want to just throw out a hot take you know will get an emotional response…

Thats trolling.

And you have done it often enough, on a regular basis that you must enjoy it.

I expect every single “here are some suggestions to help m+” thread to include you jumping in and saying it should be deleted. Which will follow with the thread being derailed.

You bring up post counts in threads nothing about post counts all the time to insult others.


Bingo! This forum should be called the the forum of general contention. Popcorn optional.

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I appreciate you proving you are Option B, rather than simply answering. Makes for much more definitive proof. We were all just cruising along and enjoying sharing til you and Captain Post-Count arrived to derail the topic, like completely away from the topic, not even about the topic.