Forum layout on mobile has gotten messed up

This seems to have happened in the last hour or two. Looking at a forum page it isn’t wrapping or truncating any thread titles. They just stretch out far off screen, so everything is looking a right mess. It’s very bad.

Not sure if this also happening on a computer browser as I am just on my phone right now.

Edit: actually should this be on this forum, or the mobile bug forum? I didn’t look at that. I assumed it was to do with the app.

Edit 2: so it looks like it is an issue with the portrait layout specifically. If i flip it sideways, it’s all good.


Yeah happening to me too and it’s really annoying. Hopefully it’s just a bug and can get fixed.

Also the thread poster isn’t being listed under the title like normal.


I also am seeing this layout error.

And for some reason, I can’t scroll down topic lists past the 34th thread, in any subforum.

Android Firefox 130.0 (Build #2016041319)

It’s a little more usable in Chrome, but the layout is still messed up. (Some UI elements, like thread titles, are too wide, and you can still zoom out to see a gutter on the right side about 2/3 of the width of the intended UI size.)


I am also experiencing the same problem.


I’m now on my pc and it looks a bit messy here too. If you expand the replies to a post there is a big line through it.

So I guess there’s been some overall update. Did there used to be a view counter? It looks weird.


Also happening on both of my IOS devices, iPhone and iPad.

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I am getting the same bug.

I’m using the Samsung browser. It would only glitch on the PvP forums where I wasn’t able to scroll past like 30 threads.

Now, it is for all of them. It is so buggy. What’s going on?


Was looking for where to post this the mobile version is unusable right now.

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dunno if its a bug…but now desktop users have this squished mobile looking website appearance where like just half the screen is not being used.

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No longer seeing the topic author or view counter.

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This is unuseable on Samsung browser, please fix.


Chrome/Android same problem.


With Firefox, this excess width makes the right-edge popout menu (when you click your own icon, for looking at replies etc.) open waaaay to the right, completely offscreen at normal zoom and only visible if you zoom all the way out to see the ridiculous right-side gutter.

And to reiterate: Firefox seems to be unable to trigger continuous infinite scroll and can only display the first 30 or so topics in a subforum.


I am also having these issues on iPhone 15 Pro in Chrome and Safari. I just made a new thread before seeing yours (oops!).

I was trying to put my post in the mobile forum, but the dropdown didn’t have that option, when I realized it was probably app-related and unavailable now that the app is dead.

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Has blizzard said anything about this yet? Trying to use the forums on my phone is a miserable experience now.

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So today it is somewhat better; I can actually scroll to the bottom of the topic list. But now all the (OP) posters names aren’t showing. As in who made the topic. Scrolling on the right margin is still off the screen too. Samsung Internet Browser on Samsung S24.

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I’m glad you pointed this out. That particular bug was the #1 reason I stopped using Firefox for the forums, so it’s a big relief it’s been fixed.

Also in Firefox, the width seems to be OK, to the point that the pop-out right edge menu seems to be usable again.