Forum changes - do we need a forum wipe?

this isn’t a thread about goats or draenei, thus the gifs of draenei are not related to the topic, thus they would fall within the definition of spam:

K, now, can you explain how your reply was completely unrelated to the OP as well? Don’t think they ever mentioned gifs or implied gifs were a problem.

Now do you see how your off topic reply led to an off topic reply?

Perhaps your off topic reply was prompted by another off topic reply, but here we are.


Tbh I just stuck them on ignore.

I am not the biggest fan of Ard but I don’t want to see his thread get shut down either. If it’s any reflection of the other thread of that pally going “one down one to go” comment, hate to get this one shut down.

I’m not the biggest fan of the topic but at the same time, if it means to get things I would enjoy then I’m halfway for it and it’s a good topic to discuss tbh.

It’s another aspect of the forum feedback that I feel is good to chit chat and keep things light hearted too.


ok sure i can quote the previous replies to discuss how this is on topic for the OP

first someone was discussing adding gifs for people that are not trust level three, which would be a forum change: related to topic.

so i responded by saying that i believe that wouldn’t be a productive forum change since gifs do not add to productive conversation.

then i suggested this as an option for forum changes (which is what the topic is about)

I really think Ard means well from their perspective and I really don’t believe our OP here has bad intentions. Can’t say the same for everyone else, but I do have a measure of respect for Ard that I’m sure isn’t shared by all.

So you took the off topic bait and ran with it. That’s what I did as well. Thanks for confirming.

the reality is that gifs really don’t add anything productive to the forum conversations, so i think that the forums would be better off without them.

K, but you also aren’t adding anything productive, and are derailing the thread to make gifs the primary issue.


Neither do you.


I brought it up cause I thought it would be a different idea if we did a total wipe just changing up some features. That’s all.

I do know too being able to share screen caps in the bug forums you can’t post links you still need trust level 3 and that should be trusted websites like Imgr discord and a few others purely due to bug posting.

Sometimes screen caps are necessary to report bugs.


i agree with the OP regarding the topic of a forum wipe and i truly believe that removing gifs from the forums would assist in making conversations more productive

if we did a forum wipe, that would remove all gifs that are currently posted on the forums.

There we go Madelke, now we’re living our principles! Stick to the topic or be judged!

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I’m 100% against a forum wipe. Nobody other than serial trolls would benefit from it.


I would be for it if they gave us account wide ignores at the same time.


Nope. Btags + account-wide everything and no forum wipe. Bring it.


that is a good point - being able to share screenshots in the bug report section would help the developers determine what is causing the problem.

but that is the only place they should be allowed and i believe that the screenshots should not be shared with all users - the screenshot would only be viewable by customer service personnel or developers working on the bug reports.

that would ensure that any pictures that are off-topic or inappropriate would never be viewed by the forum users.

People can do that now with twitter technically.

There are trusted websites but ultimately it boils down to better report systems to deal with those when they come up and or restricted words and phrases that could automatically block such things.

There’s already some words that are blocked on the forum but yeah.

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the issue with this is if someone posts an inappropriate gif, that is much more offensive than someone just writing something inappropriate.

so i believe that the potential harm outweighs any benefits with posting gifs.

i think the best system for pictures on the forums would be to not allow anyone to post any images - except for the purpose of technical support or bug reports and even then the image should only be viewable by blizzard employees, not forum users.

If someone went to all the trouble to get to TL3, they won’t post what you think are inappropriate gifs.


I’m willing to accept that a complete forum wipe may be a casualty of a forum overhaul to give us better ways to curate our own experiences like Btag posting or account-wide ignores, like the way that the switch over to Discourse did.

But that’s as an unfortunate but acceptable side-effect, I don’t see any reason to do it otherwise.


And they will be actioned in that situation. I “abuse” my TL3 to post cat pics and gifs like the one that led to this. There is no reason to limit those that aren’t posting inappropriate gifs/pics just because the possibility to do so exists.

Much like in real life where there is no reason to limit people expressing their opinions just because a harmful opinion has the potential to be expressed.

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