Forum changes - do we need a forum wipe?

Or maybe it’s a thousand confusing words that can be taken a hundred different ways

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omgersh… readings is herd…

Come on… Forums are a text and visual medium. Why not use radio buttons and check boxes in place of typing stuff. Make the forum dialog like a high school multiple choice test.


Trolling can be reduced by controlling posting by low level alts. Btags is one option.

False flagging is a problem, flags are used to dislike a post and wastes moderators time. Bring back downvotes, but no hiding of the post when it reaches a high amount.

One thing that will be next to impossible to fix is trolling behavior:

  1. Contrarian - arguing for the sake of arguing.
  2. Misdirection - trying to take discussion in a different direction
  3. Parroting the same statement over and over instead of answering the question posed.
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I would bet money that the bulk of trolling is done by forum regulars with thousands of posts, no alts needed. I get everyone makes a big deal out of alt hoppers like that T guy if he’s still around, but those just get reported and eventually dealt with. It’s those that can make subtle insults/troll, or just out right insult or troll yet are popular enough that there is not enough to report them.

There is nothing that will fix this forum. Nothing.

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The inherent problem with moving to a solely-Discord approach is that if it gets taken down, it’s instant and complete. No search-engine-cached pages, no Wayback Machine, no nothing.

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Problem with forums is not structure or features, it is with posters. Humans ruin everything.

First, it’s extremely unlikely Blizzard will remove the forums entirely.

Second, the only time they ‘wipe’ them is when they do a massive infrastructure or architecture change (like when they switched to the Discourse software several years ago). Even then, when the switch was made, the old forums were put into a read-only state for quite some time (2 or 3 months, if memory serves) to allow people to save anything they wanted to hold onto before they pulled the plug completely.

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What we need back is high quality trolls. We lost ours.

James and that one dwarf who rambled were classic.

people also used to say “it is extremely unlikely that blizzard will stop doing blizzcons”.

I think they want a hard reset (wipe ) in hopes that it resets all ignores and he will be taken off of so many .

I’m neither for or against a wipe just as long as ignores stay in place and any pre wipe posts could go into a data base and be retrieve by a google search and such .


Orrrrr… counterpoint, the people who don’t like the forums could just y’know not read & not participate. I don’t like basketball. Yet I’m not demanding the NBA stop existing, nuke its entire organization or even stop its public broadcasts on my local tv stations.


Well that looks like the :fox_face: trifecta

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gonna start a petition to end the nba. thanks shadowvyxn.


I never said anything about taking down the forum, talk about reading problems…

I thought it would be extremely unlikely they would abandon 95% of the game and only push people into the new content, but, here we are.

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yes lots of “extremely unlikely” events have happened.

We do have some indication when War Within maybe drops, according to the calendar MoP Remix ends middle end of August.

If they do decide to do a forum wipe or changes it would be between now and then.

I think it would be ok for a forum wipe, if people are looking for questions to their answers they can make new updated threads instead of necroing one tha was 8, 7, 6, 5, 4, 3, 2, 1 years ago.

People have shown they are incapable of making new threats just for the sake of necroing.

Forum wipe can also benefit implementation of account wide ignores.

Hopefully keep classic characters from posting in retail forum and keep retail characters from posting in classic forums.


Whatever it is I didn’t do it.

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Anything with “warthin” in the title.
Or creator from the T-squad.

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not you the other fox