Forum changes - do we need a forum wipe?

This is great then. Not sure why this is a problem? I want better forums.

Nah I just thought it was funny a lot of those typing were on other topics bugging me there too, thought I hit the hive lmao.

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This entire topic seems troll-ee to me.


Oh lol got ya na it’s evening time and this topic is pretty hot right now in terms of new replies etc.

Also hive? What hive? there’s bees?!



Nothing will solve trolling, Account wide ignore, Btags, a wipe or anonymous posting wont solve that issue.

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i’ve explained why i would prefer gifs not be allowed on the forums and my reasoning is that this would uphold the Code of Conduct, as i mentioned in a previous post: non-constructive posts are not conducive to a productive atmosphere.

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Oh, it is, especially with that Paladin did yesterday.


One big way to better forums would be account wide ignores.


I mean at least one has claimed, or at least implied, it’ll all magically stop when it happens

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I just think it’s amusing that they think wiping the forums, and doing absolutely nothing else, will cause any change in poster behavior.


Oh there’s always gonna be trolling no doubt on that. But having options to help… lesson it… is good.

It’s like an air filter. Sure it gets rid of 90% of the gunk but 10% is still gonna get through.

Right now we are working with a 40% filter… better filtration is always good.


Right, the suggestions made prior are ways to increase efficacy. Others, such as stripping the ability to embed, seem targeted more with an approach of “Some can’t do these responsibly, so no one gets”.


No, but account wide ignores or BattleTags will solve the issue of people switching alts to pretend to be someone else.


Like the time the T virus made a knock off of my toon with some very horrible stuff spun in the name.

God the T virus was so annoying… You know come to think of it, the account wide ignore thread was made when T virus was still around hot and heavy I think.


as weird as it sounds, it was sad to see ppl fight each other bc of their horrible trolling but i still liked the fact that most of us tried so hard to stop the fights before it happened by derailing it. the first comments would be like some big warning sign and stuff abt “it’s a troll abt hating lgbt dont reply mute n move on” lol. crazy times…hate that dude so much man.


Because none of us wanted anything to do with that kind of crazy - or at least most of us wanted nothing to do with it.


prolly the one of only times i seen us as forum regs come together. like even ppl others didnt like tried to help it was weird but i came in when he just now doing that (i think?) so u can imagine how i felt as a new person on the forums lol


someone probably had their post flagged into oblivion and they were offended, probably why this thread exist


I don’t think derailing a topic though is the right move to stop a fight or prevent a fight. Like, what about those who do the right thing and engage appropriately with the topic?

Problem is, and this is mostly a players problem, but most people rather engage back rather than ignore. And this is something moderation has been trying to tell everyone, to ignore, and don’t engage.


Wow…I remember your name. I can see why. You must be fun at the parties you’re not invited to. Take a break and go outside :slight_smile:


that doesn’t remedy the fact that anyone who does look at the gif will then respond to the gif which is not constructive discussion for the topic of the OP.

it’s better to just remove gifs from the forums, then if people want to communicate via gifs, they can do that in their private discord servers - let’s work to ensure that the wow forums contain constructive and productive discussion.