Forum battletage bullying

This is all I see


Ok so… somehow… my ENTIRE friends list disappeared off my battlenet chat messenger thingie.

Nevermind… fixed it. BTW… Don’t Update your privacy settings via the website while logged in. It will kick you out to update it. Lol.

It’s likely coming from people who sockpuppet who know that they’ll be exposed.


It shows up on your bnet friend browser. Obviously you need to actually send the friend request to see it

Now… that is odd…

One sec let me snip


Mine obviously was sent in game.

Did the exact things listed in that article. Letter to letter, based on the article. Was told “They would investigate it, but couldn’t disclose” blah blah generic copy/paste. Nothing happened. This happened until I literally paid to change my characters names. I reported them over 50 times across 50 toons. Guy never missed a day of posting, never missed a day of playing PvP, never got a chat mute, nada.

Fun fact, if they send you a tell, log out, and delete the character before you can ignore them - you can’t ignore them. You can right click-> report them, but it does not flag an account ignore for a text report. The character “does not exist” to add to an ignore list.

With AHK, you can replicate this process endlessly in under 2 seconds from create->tell->log out->delete. Especially if you make an allied race that starts at 10 in a main city for instant log out. There’s… grossly… guides on how to do it online. Yes, this is considered botting and against TOS. I think that at the point of target harassing someone and telling them to hurt themselves IRL/hope they die of cancer/loved ones die of cancer/racial slurs/etc – AHK is not unrealistic in the scope of capability.

Battletag availability means they can do this across multiple games by simply having my battle tag. They can dump my btag into discords for targeted griefing in any Blizzard game. The avenue of griefing/harassment goes from one game-one person-one-time to every-blizzard-product-until-I-change-btag.

“DAT WUD NEVER HAPPPPPEN” - as League has target grief lists with account ID #'s listed so that if people change summoner names they can continue to be griefed on purpose. Riot has the same lackadaisical hands-off approach Blizzard has when it comes to protecting people from having their game time actively ruined by someone else. The outcome would be the same. You have a controversial opinion to a community, i.e. ret paladins need to be nerfed? Enjoy hate discords posting your btag hunting you down in-game to grief your keys for the rest of time – oh and btw, not reportable.

That’s the bit ya’ll aren’t willing to understand/accept – Btag availability opens up battle-net wide harassment 24 hours a day on any/every product associated with Blizzard forever. There are absolutely unmutable and unavoidable avenues of harassment that aren’t reportable, and they would be made super easy to do by giving everyone access to my battle tag. “well they could do that anyway…” - To one of my characters. I play 7 toons over 2800 IO, and over 1.8k RSS atm. This would open me up to account-wide permanent hostage situations. I would quit, because Blizzard would not protect the end-user in situations like this.

Internet privacy should be, should remain, and is paramount. It is far more important for me to have the advocacy and right to choose who I want having access to that information than it is literally anything else. My game, my account, my choice.

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Like how I play with telemarketers?? Ooohhh can I play?

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The only thing they can do with your Btag is send you a friend request. One per Bnet account. You can ignore it and let it just languish in your list, or Decline and block when you get around to it. They can’t actually talk to you.

They also can’t see your chars, servers, or location in game unless they were accepted by you onto the Btag list. Then your friend can only see what you are on that second, not a whole roster.

I guess i Just don’t see how they can do anything to you in-game or here via Btag. That is the one thing that has kept people from being able to harass me. Being green means people take out anger at Blizzard on the greens. They also personally get angry when I say something they don’t like - usually a policy they disagree with.

Over 10 years nobody has been able to bother me. I just decline and block unknown Bnet requests. All the horrible stuff said to me is on the forums and I let the mods clean it up.

I think the disconnect here is between Btag and char-server. How do you think people are going to get your char-server to harass you via your Btag? If you don’t post with the chars you don’t want known, people won’t know.


So I want ret paladins nerfed. Guy has my btag, pulls it up in the inevitable search api - finds all my toons, slaps me in his rage discord for wanting ret’s nerfed… People hunt me down to ruin my keys on purpose… not a problem?

Because… There’s already check-pvp, raiderio, etc that links all of your toons unwillingly that you have to consciously make accounts for in order to hide. Suddenly btags are everywhere - the api exists to pull that information and plaster it where you want… Heck, could make a discord bot that checks it for you with a command line and the battletag. Full character list. Woop, 7 toons griefed instantly versus… Zero? without? Zero. My privacy, my account, my choice.

Or, let’s say I’m in OW2. Guy sees my btag from a hate/rage list. Throws my game. or CoD. or Diablo 4. Or any other game where they would not have access to this information otherwise. Let’s say they hate me enough to actively chase me game to game trying to snipe/ruin my play time? There’s a reason big streamers have to hide their games/names/account names/etc - because people will try to ruin your time when they can’t control your play.

I think the disconnect is you’re in a perfect scenario where angry people don’t exist and try to detriment others who disagree with them. That spite, vengeance, and ego isn’t a main driving factor in “getting back” at someone. I’ve played League at Chal+ - grief lists are very real. They’re very real in WoW, too.

How do you think the guy in Diablo 4 actively griefing me is going to know I’m Semicasual the Prot Paladin from WOTLK Classic without being given access to my btag? Or literally any blizzard product ? Simply because I angered the wrong 13-16 year old and got put on someone’s target list on toxic discords.

It is not a broken system. The system is fine. There is no reason to try to shove people into whatever little battle-tag box that the latest forum fad is. Let people have their privacy, play their way, and be in peace.

Heck, I’m in favor of outright banning check-pvp and raiderio so that they can’t be used to drag peoples alts up to harass/grief.

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Which is why you can’t justify the change in the long run.

Harassers aren’t going to stop just by handing out everyone’s Btags.

If anything you’ll make it worse.

Ah, this is the current disconnect ok. That explains it.

There are ways to find your other characters using char-server via things like checkpvp. Your Battletag though does NOT show a list of your characters. That is one of the more awesome things about it.

It shows nothing at all, if you are not friends. If you accept a friend, they can see the one char you are logged into that second, but not a list of your chars.

Unless he added you as a friend and you accepted, he won’t ever know who you are in WoW, unless we get Btags for the forums AND you post with that char using that Btag. You control that though.

I get what you say and that you don’t want pvp groups to have an easier time making your life difficult. I just think that the Btags do the opposite. They serve to protect you from people bothering you without your permission.

You can’t pull up a whole list of all my chars with my Btag. You can get a few of them using checkpvp, but not the ones I usually play. That is based on char-server though.


No, they allow you to avoid tells… But it opens you up to an entire network of unmutable unavoidable game-ruining harassment.

I’d rather have the mean words than have my game time ruined.

You’d be surprised what can be scraped off API. Not to mention, again, the nine other games that aren’t WoW that your btag would be completely exposed for.

It’s a solution to a non-problem that creates a massive amount of problems for other people.

A large amount would full-send quit to avoid this type of harassment… and frankly, WoW can’t afford a “large amount” to quit over such a trivial change.

Why not give people an account wide ignore option on the forum and be done with it?

And make up a rule that says callouts of alts is not allowed either.

That way everyone wins, i get my privacy and the people whinging about sockpuppets get what they want too

You remember in the other thread where you whined about people being able to identify you when you alt hopped to troll with a browser extension? This is the functionality that made it possible.

Ahh, so you want to censor people who can see right through you, got it.


Only if it was truly an ignore…not the ignore we have now…

What do you mean, what we have now is the definition of an ignore.

Na, its not an ignore…you can still see post that they start and you can see replies they do…everquest forum now they have an ignore…you dont see nothing from them

You can see that they replied, but it has the ignored content covering it up.

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Like I said that’s not a ignore, its more or less a mute…

+1 for BTags in this thread too.
