If a troll is dedicated to trolling the forums even with btags in place, sure he will shell out $15 (or $10 for a battle tag name change if that somehow works) every time he gets outted for trolling but for any troll, no.
Trolling in this forum with this format is hella of lot cheaper than going through real money for new license on a entirely new bnet account to avoid any sort of responsibility, I can make a classic character right now, swap to it and troll and you wouldn’t know its me, If I get outted for trolling on that alt, I can create another be an entirely different person without having to spend money.
Yeah because I actually do research on what I’m talking about instead of making stuff up and then refusing to back it up.
I also forgot, you need to make an entirely new email account, Blizzard won’t take your email address that is already in use for your new account so this adds additonal 10 to 20 minutes.
Like I said, on my end, I can undo your effort in a click of a button, I can leave it sit or there is an addon that can automatically decline a friend request (you need to be on in WoW for it to work) and I will cross post the thread to you.
The “if I want to share it.” can be applied to the numbers (even though it is public aswell) but for the name no.
Pro btaggers have offered a solution to keep the character swapping here but they will be like profile pictures, under the character name part would be “Hwanwok 70 Pandaren Monk” and if you click on my name, the view profile button will take you to my armory of my chosen character as it normally does now.
If I remember correctly because I only played Starcraft ll for a hot minute and never played after that and my name portion of my btag is on display.
I play Overwatch and name portion is on display for 9 other players, after a match, they can also add you if you go to “Social” and go to “recent players” or “recent matches” or whatever its called.
I think Diablo lll display your name and the numbers attached to that tag but I could be wrong.
I played Diablo lV and Battle tag name is displayed under character name.