Fortunate Souls

Doing the quest “Fortunate Souls” and the Zanj’ir Trappers do not have any 7th Legion Captives. I have tried re logging, closing the client, dying, and dropping the quest.


Also experiencing the same issue. I know how to do this quest as I’ve done it on countless alts so I know what the quest is suppose to be like.

The trappers just don’t have any captives. I recently faction changed, idk if that’s the issue or not.

Edit: Seems like a current work around for me is killing the elite that is to the right of the horde cave as your leaving it. Although this is probably not possible unless your trying to unlock nazjatar on a level 60 character.


Same problem. Alliance char - no 7th legion captives. Tried dropping the quest. Tried hearthing and going back to Nazjatar. Nothing. Unable to progress in the unlock.

Edit: tried on a second character. This time I made sure to kill the two naga that spawn on Shandris when you accept her quests to make sure it didn’t break some sort of sequencing. Still no 7th legion captives.

Edit: tried on a third character. Made sure not to skip the intro cinematic. Still nothing. Quest is just broken. Couldn’t find the workaround listed above.


I was just able to complete it. There is an elite monster named Zan’jir Destroyer at way point 41, 79, next to the Horde cave. He’ll have 5 captives released upon killing him. His respawn takes 5 minutes.

My toon is also experiencing all the above bug. They are a level 60 that was boosted to 50, Alliance side toon. Hopefully Bliz will fix this sometime soon. :\


Thanks for clarification on the workaround. Hopefully my 50s can kill him.

Edit: just logged back in and killed the elite but didn’t get credit for the captives released by the elite Destroyer. Going to try again in 5 minutes but the guy helping me kill it didn’t get credit either.

Edit: tried it again solo and got credit. Maybe you can’t kill it with a friend?

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Also having this issue. The only way I can kill the elite at level is let the npc companion tank it until it hits ~10k hp left

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I wonder if they care if more people report this. Whatever, unable to progress in that area without finishing this quest.


Yeah, issue here with it also… cmon Blizzard, please fix this


Same issue on EU


Same issue here. Didnt have any issue on my Alliance toon about a month ago? but my Horde toon isnt having any luck as of tonight. bloody annoying to say the least /sigh


Having the same issue as well.


This problem is continuing. Because of interdependence of quests, this bug is a huge bottleneck to legacy endgame, which still provides items useful for current leveling content.


If they can’t or won’t fix it right away, they could at least speed up the elite NPC respawn. Takes at least 5 minutes now. Although the slow respawn does allow for batching of players to kill it…


Still having this issue today but the Elite has not spawned as suggested in this forum. It would be nice for blizzard to respond to this on a timeframe for a fix. This is holding me up for completing the Pathfinder part 2 achievement so I can unlock the flying in Boralus. I just reopened my account after a 6 year hiatus.

Looks like I’m not the only one lol, next to a rogue Sppedyboi wondering what to do. So you say a naga elite? i can kill it, im sure

Edit: I found it, having 5 horde captives but… you need 7, and it has a looong respawn time. What happened? shouldnt there be naga walking (or slithering¿) around with chained captives?

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Adding my name to the report, I’m stuck here since no one plays BfA anymore

Having the same problem. Unable to progress. Was able to get to 4/7 by killing the elite as suggested. Waiting for the elite to respawn.

EDIT: I was able to finish the quest by killing the elite twice. I only had to wait about 5 minutes. Thanks, Skywind, for the workaround.

Same, I faction changed back to alliance, but while Horde I completed this and all of BFA. Many quests aren’t displaying properly for me. this is one of them. No captives.

just fyi if you finished BFA and got your 4th war title, you’ll lose it when you faction change.

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Just got to said quest, problem still not solved. Having the same problem

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The elite spawns every 10 minutes or so, and has 5-6 honorbound captives attached. During busy times a crowd of players are waiting to kill him, and all get credit. But during slow times it took me a long time to solo him on a level 50 tank.

The “trappers” used to all have captives following them. They no longer do. I was surprised to see the captives had been removed.