The “Sylvanas” one. It’s just a better design, and it’s the icon I associate with the Forsaken. Call me an idiot, but I never realized the mask was supposed to be Sylvanas’ face until there was controversy about it.
Good for you, tovi. I’m glad you Make interesting post
Don’t think anyone could.
Then again we didn’t Axe man people this question.
Not at all, the mention of forsaken was intended. She was much longer a champion of her people than the jailer’s pawn.
In the lore I’m pretty sure she was actually working for the Jailer longer than she wasn’t, time wise. A lot of time passed between ICC and SL, but the scourge attack and ICC aren’t as far apart. If I’m remembering my vague timespans right.
For the Dark Lady, always.
I honestly like both.
Now the one I stayed loyalist on will obviously wear the Loyalist tabard.
My others will more than likey swap them out from time to time.
I will not ruin my transmog with a tabard.
I just looked it up, there were 6 years between the Scourge invasion of Quel’thalas and the LK being killed in ICC, which is when Sylvanas met the Jailer. And 9-10 years between then and her betraying the Horde and going to fight Bolvar and all that jazz.
Dark Lady watch over you.
That’s really interesting, I’ll have to take a look and see where I got it wrong.
Do you know if our characters should be aware of that moment between the Jailer and Sylvanas meeting at the end of WotLK?
It’s been a long time since I’ve read the short story, but the only person we can reasonably assume might know Sylvanas threw herself off of Icecrown is Bolvar. He might be able to put the pieces together, but no. I don’t think our characters would be privy to knowledge of that interaction.
I’ve said it before and I’ll say it again and always:
I’ll wear her tabard because it represents what she and the Forsaken were before they butchered the story.
It also will be about the achievements accomplished and struggles overcome in the past while under that flag.
“For the Dark Lady. Death to our enemies!”
I think people wearing the Sylvanas style one will be similar to people wearing Che Guevara t-shirts, for all the good and bad that may bring to mind.
I prefer my Tabard of the Void more than anything really.
That being said, if given the option to remain loyal to Sylvanas in this quest chain, I will continue to do so.
Dark Lady watch over us.
Rock the Guardian of Cenarius title too! Or The Diplomat!
Dark Lady watch over you.
Trust no one.
Victory for Sylvanas!